What Are Unsecured Souls in Deadlock and How to Secure Them

In Short
  • Unsecured Souls are the droppable currency in Deadlock which is shown beside the total Souls count.
  • The Unsecured Souls automatically convert into Secured Souls after a certain duration.
  • You can get Unsecured Souls by defeating neutral jungle creeps, destroying boxes or statues, and collecting the Unsecured Souls sphere.

Like other MOBAs out there, Deadlock can get a bit tricky at times. That’s mostly because the game has so much happening on the screen at once. Amidst all the chaos is an in-game currency called Unsecured Souls. So if you’re new and confused about it all then keep reading as we tell you all about what are Unsecured Souls in Deadlock right here.

What are Deadlock Unsecured Souls and How to Get Them

As mentioned above, Unsecured Souls are the droppable currency in Deadlock. Souls are the game’s main currency and are divided into Secure or Unsecure Souls. While you can get Secure Souls by shooting the Soul orbs coming out of enemy creeps, enemies, or objectives, Unsecured Souls are a bit tricky to understand.

You can notice the Unsecured Souls count on the bottom left of your screen, right beside the total Souls count. To get Unsecured Souls in Deadlock, you must kill neutral creeps in the jungle, and destroy boxes or statues.

Unsecured souls locator in Deadlock

There are three tiers of neutral creeps on the map that give you different amounts of Unsecured Souls in Deadlock. You can also find the Unsecured Souls sphere once an enemy drops it after death. You can collect them to get Unsecured Souls.

Once you kill the creeps or grab the Souls from boxes, you will notice the Unsecured Souls counter. It also adds to your total Souls counter right away. However, if you die while you have Unsecured Souls, you will lose all of it in an instant.

How to Secure Unsecured Souls in Deadlock

Now that you know where to get Unsecured Souls in Deadlock, how do you secure them? Well, there are two ways. One is that you immediately spend that Soul to purchase an item. However, you might not want to spend your Soul right away. In that case, try not to die till the Unsecured Souls are deposited in your Secured Soul count. Players holding Unsecured Souls will drop them upon death.

You must try several movement tricks like Deadlock wall jump or dodge roll and run away with your Unsecured Souls till they are in a Secured position. Yes, it is an automatic process and you will notice the Unsecured Souls numbers are decreasing over time.

That is what Unsecured Souls means in Deadlock and how to secure them. Still have doubts about Unsecure Souls? Ask away in the comments below.

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