- Recent images from Deadpool and Wolverine has made people speculate that Blade will be in Deadpool 3.
- People speculate that rapper/actor Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones, who played Blade in the 2006 series will appear as Blade in Deadpool 3.
- However, this seems far-fetched since Fox did not make the series along with other reasons hence, Blade might not appear in Deadpool 3.
The release of Deadpool 3 is closing in on us with each passing day and I, along with millions of others, am as hyped as one possibly could be for this landmark of a movie. Deadpool 3 is already supposed to be the most cameo-rich Marvel movie to date. Recently, new images from Deadpool 3 surfaced which has led people to speculate that Blade is going to appear in Deadpool 3. However, even though that would be really cool, I think that the possibility of Blade appearing in Deadpool and Wolverine is relatively low and in this article find out why.
Ryan Reynolds and Wesley Snipes Beef

Before I talk about anything else, it’s important to know why Blade appearing in Deadpool 3 is kinda unlikely. All this goes back to 2004, rooted in Blade: Trinity. While working in the movie, Wesley Snipes displayed erratic behavior and was disrespectful towards Ryan Reynolds by referring him to as ‘That Cracker” on multiple occasions. Not only that, Snipes was also ill-behaved towards the director of the movie resulting in Ryan Reynold’s unwillingness to work with him.
Why Blade Might Not Appear in Deadpool 3

Even though I love the idea of seeing Blade appear in Deadpool and Wolverine in all practicality, I don’t think that can happen. For starters, Blade has not yet been introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and as far as I know, Marvel is not going to bring a major character in a one-and-done appearance kind of role. Another important point here is that a Blade movie is already being made with Mahershala Ali playing the role of the iconic vampire hunter.

Now with the images we got to see, it is pretty clear that the guy who is speculated to be the new Blade is not Mahershala Ali. As per speculations, he’s rapper/actor Kirk “Sticky Fingaz” Jones, who portrayed Blade in the 2006 limited Blade series.
The thing to think about here is that if the Blade movie is being made with Mahershala Ali in the lead role, why would Marvel show us a Blade played by another actor? This would just confuse people and would be entirely pointless to start something with nothing to follow up on.
With everything we know so far, it is confirmed that Deadpool and Wolverine will show us a collapsed Fox Studios and all its characters being sucked into The Void previously seen in the Loki series.
However, the 2006 Blade was not made in association with Fox Studios but was instead it was produced by New Line Television in association with Marvel so, there is no way Blade is going to make an appearance in the movie. Well, that’s my take on the rising speculation. What do you guys think about it?