Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi recently launched the Mi Max 2 phablet smartphone in India. Priced at Rs. 16,999, the company targets the budget segment with this new smartphone, and it’s nothing short of impressive to say the least. It’s powered by the Snapdragon 625 octa-core processor clocked at 2 GHz, along with 4 GB of RAM and features a 6.44-inch Full HD IPS display. Additionally, the device packs a whopping 5300 mAh to provide a near 2-day battery life. Well, we have no doubts regarding the capabilities of the Mi Max 2, and if you’re planning to purchase it, we’re pretty sure you don’t want to hamper the premium look and feel of the smartphone by accidentally dropping it. This is exactly why we recommend you to protect it with a good case, in order to avoid paying a hefty sum for repairing or replacing your device. So, let’s take a look at the 8 best Mi Max 2 cases and covers you can buy:
1. Tripoc Ultra Thin Transparent Mi Max 2 Case
If you’re a fan of clear cases, you’re bound to fall in this one, as the Tripoc ultra thin transparent case lets you showcase your Mi Max 2’s design in all its glory while protecting it from accidental drops, scuffs and scratches. Since it’s made of flexible TPU material, it manages to offer some sort of shock resistance to your device. Lastly, it manages to cover all the four corners and edges for all-round protection, so no matter what angle you drop the device from, it remains protected.
Buy from Amazon: (Rs. 129)
2. BlueArmor Rugged Shock Proof Mi Max 2 Case
If protection is your top priority, then the BlueArmor rugged shock proof case will certainly meet your expectations, as it protects your Mi Max 2 from accidental drops, scuffs and scratches, without adding too much bulk. The case has a nice brushed and carbon fiber finish on the back, which helps in enhancing the device’s looks, while providing ample grip. Thanks to the usage of flexible material, the case will be good enough to resist a fair amount of impact. Lastly, the case wraps around the whole device for all round protection and has precise cutouts for all the hardware buttons and ports for easy access.
Buy from Amazon: (Rs. 699)
3. Noise Printed Cover For Xiaomi Mi Max 2
Well if you like designer cases, you’ll be pleased that local manufacturer Noise has listed plenty of them on Amazon. Well, it’s nothing but a 3D printed hard shell case that’s just decent in terms of protection, as it doesn’t offer much shock resistance. However, the case is still good enough to resist scratches and scuffs resulting due to minor drops without adding any bulk to the device, so there’s no gripe on that regard. There are precise cutouts for easy access to all the hardware buttons and ports on your Mi Max 2.
Buy from Amazon: (Rs. 499)
4. BRK Defender Hybrid Armour Case For Mi Max 2
If you’re a rough user when it comes to handling smartphones, you might want to purchase a case that offers maximum protection. The BRK Defender Hybrid case will certainly do the job for you, as it’s capable of protecting your Mi Max 2 from scratches and scuffs resulting due to even harsh drops. Just like every other hybrid case, it consists of a hard shell exterior for durability and a soft silicone interior for resisting shock and impact. It manages to wrap around the whole device and has precise cutouts for all the hardware buttons and ports on your device. Additionally, it even has an integrated kickstand that you can take advantage of, whenever you feel like watching movies and other videos on your smartphone.
Buy from Amazon: (Rs. 369)
5. Gravity Case Flip Cover For Mi Max 2
If you’re a fan of flip cases, you should certainly consider buying this one, as it’s currently one of the best ones you can get your hands on. It’s made of premium PU leather material, so we have no complaints regarding the quality of the product. It’s light weight and slim in terms of design, in order to provide a neat and rich look to your smartphone. As far as the flip is closed, the device should remain protected from minor accidental drops and scratches. Since it’s made of a soft material, it can even offer minor shock resistance, just in case of a sudden impact.
Buy from Flipkart: (Rs. 299)
6. Ceffon Back Cover For Xiaomi Mi Max 2
Not everyone likes thick and bulky cases that make your device look ugly. If you’re looking forward to protect your device with a sleek case that doesnt add any bulk to your device, you should certainly consider buying the Ceffon Back Cover, which is essentially a hard shell case. However, due to the material used, it does not resist shock very well, so don’t expect much in terms of drop protection. That being said, it’s still good enough to resist scratches and scuffs, so we’ve got no complaints on that regard. Lastly, the top portion of the case is slightly exposed, so if you were expecting all-round protection, you might have to look elsewhere.
Buy from Flipkart: (Rs. 296)
7. KWINE CASE Transparent Mi Max 2 Back Cover
Next on the list, we’ve got another transparent case that lets you show off your phone in all its glory to your friends while protecting it from minor accidental drops, scuffs and scratches. It doesn’t even add much bulk to your device, but manages to cover all the four corners and edges of the device for an all-round protection. Due to the usage of flexible TPU material, the case should be good enough to resist shocks and impacts. The case has precise cutouts in order to easily access all the hardware buttons and ports on your device.
Buy from Flipkart: (Rs. 199)
8. Designerz Hub Mi Max 2 Back Cover
Last on the list, we’ve got a hybrid case that offers maximum protection against drops, scuffs and scratches. Just like almost all the other hybrid cases that’s currently available on the market, this one is comprised of a soft inner silicone material for flexibility and shock resistance, as well as a hard outer shell for adding durability to the case. It even has an integrated kickstand that you can use in order to watch movies and TV shows on your smartphone. All in all, the case manages to cover all the four corners and edges for an all-round protection.
Buy from Flipkart: (Rs. 399)
SEE ALSO: 10 Best Moto E4 Plus Cases and Covers You Can Buy
The Best Xiaomi Mi Max 2 Cases and Covers You Can Buy
As far as cases for the Xiaomi Mi Max 2 are concerned, there are already plenty of options to choose, even before the phone’s actual release. If you want to keep the look and feel of your new device intact, we highly recommend you to purchase one of these cases, so that you don’t have to worry about accidentally dropping your phone anymore. If you want the best protection, go for any of the hybrid cases, or if you want to showcase your phone’s design, purchase a clear case. We’re glad that we could list out a variety of cases at multiple price points. So, if you’re looking forward to get your hands on the latest Mi Max 2, which one of these best cases are you planning to get along with the device? Do let us know, by simply dropping a few words in the comments section down below.
I’ve been using a Luphie Case on my Mi Ma 2, it manages to retain and even enhance the overall look of the phone, and has even protected it from a minor fall without a scratch once. Surprised it is not included here.