Spotify has done a commendable job turning music statistics into one of the most anticipated events of the year. Like me, many others kept refreshing the app to check for the arrival of their annual Wrapped. And I’m no Miley Cyrus, but this Spotify Wrapped 2024 hit me like a wrecking ball. Not only was it missing key stats, but also lacked its unique identity. However, I wish those were the only things that went wrong.
When Did It Become All About AI?
I don’t know whether this was a last-minute decision, but Spotify decided to invite two AI podcast hosts to comment on your 2024 Wrapped. This feature is built using audio overviews, part of Google’s Notebook LM.

Aside from that, Spotify was also touting their AI DJ feature which, according to them, “brings even more context into the Wrapped experience for Premium users, providing commentary about your year alongside the music that soundtracked it”. That’s pretty cool, Spotify, but what good is a feature when it isn’t available for most of your audience?
Yep, the Spotify Wrapped AI podcast is limited to only the U.S., U.K., New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and Sweden. That’s basically a handful of countries that get to enjoy all the privileges while others get the shorter end of the stick. And to add further insult to injury, their AI DJ feature which came out almost one year ago is still absent in many regions.
Giving Spotify a Taste of Their Medicine
So you can understand my frustration as a loyal Spotify listener who pays for their premium subscription every month out of their pocket. But instead of voicing it out myself, I thought, why not beat Spotify at its own game and let the AI do the talking.
That’s why I wrote down all my issues in a doc and uploaded it to the same Notebook LM AI by Google (website). Now I just had to select the file, click on Generate, and wait for it to do its thing. The result was better than expected, so I suggest you give it a listen.
Hearing these hosts making fun of their iteration is a weird kind of amusement, but I enjoyed it. There’s an uncanny-esque feeling to listening to them talk. That’s because they sound so genuinely human, even having subtle nuances and that erratic laugh, but the truth is that it’s all just AI. Others who got to use the AI-wrapped podcast feature felt the same way, calling them outright creepy.
Better Luck Next Time
This year’s Spotify Wrapped generally was not received well, and we’ve already covered what people had to say about it. However, as I mentioned above, it seemed to lack personality and character, and Spotify’s attempt to use AI to make up for all this just didn’t turn out as they hoped it to be.
I understand that Notebook LM only supports English as of now, so it wasn’t ready for global release. But then why pick it as the highlight of your most anticipated event? This could have also been the best time to launch AI DJ globally, but that didn’t also come to fruition. Hopefully, Spotify learns its lesson and next year’s Wrapped will be something to look back upon.