Apple has been using the same notch design for its iPhones since it first introduced the iPhone X back in 2017. Although the company has reduced the size of the notch with this year’s iPhone 13 series, they still look kind of hideous compared to the competition on the Android front. However, as per reputable Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple might finally ditch the notch with the iPhone 14 series for a punch-hole design next year.
As per recent claims by Kuo, Apple will likely adopt a punch-hole display design for its iPhone models, starting from 2022. Although the analyst says that the company will release the iPhone 14 models with the notch, Apple might adopt a punch-hole design from the iPhone 14 Pro models. We have already gotten our first look at the notchless punch-hole-laden iPhone 14, thanks to the popular tipster Jon Prosser.
Moreover, Kuo has already stated that Apple will discontinue the iPhone mini model from next year due to low demand. So, Apple’s 2022 iPhone lineup will include the iPhone SE with 5G support, a new affordable iPhone model with a 6.7-inch display, and two higher-end Pro models that will feature the punch-hole design and a 48MP ultra-wide camera.
Apple, as per Kuo, will release two new models with the standard iPhone 14 moniker. Currently, Apple has only one Max model and that is the iPhone 13 Pro Max. However, that could change from next year as the company might launch a Max model for the standard iPhone as well. So, there will be a standard iPhone 14 and the iPhone 14 Max in 2022.
Moreover, the iPhone 14 series might also be more affordable as the company is expected to sell the iPhone 14 Max at $899-mark. The company currently sells the bigger Pro Max model at a starting price of $1099. So, if you were thinking of upgrading your device to the latest iPhones, we recommend you wait for Apple’s 2022 iPhone lineup.
Featured Image Courtesy: Jon Prosser (FrontPageTech)
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