An Amazing Campaign by Volkswagen Communicating Why You Shouldn’t Text and Drive

This one and a half minute video is for everyone who text or talk on phone while driving. The reason why we do is that we don’t realize how dangerous it is. Just to give you an idea of how serious the issue is, here are some stats.

  • In 2011, 23% of the road collisions involved smartphones which is equal to 1.3 million crashes.
  • Of all other activities, texting distracts you from the road for longest time and increases chances of collision by 23 times.

That was just a brief idea, now coming back to the campaign.

Campaign Name and Venue: Eyes on the RoadMCL Cinema, Hong Kong, China

In just one and a half minute Volkswagen has delivered the message in an amazing way, check it out.

Recommended: Texting And Driving: Driving while Intexticated [Infographic]

I hope this video motivates everyone to quit using phone while driving, if any of your friend has this habit, share this video with them, hope it helps.

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