Quora is a continually improving collections of questions and answers which is used by millions of people around the world. But, many users especially the newbies find it difficult to get answers to their questions.
This is because their question is not visible to the people and hence the question ends up as unanswered. So, here we are sharing the most effective way to ask question on Quora and you’ll get your answer for sure.
1. Lets just start by asking question, here’s screenshot of question asked by us.
To explain question in a better way and to make sure that is is understandable by all, add description to it.
2. Now, Add Topics to question.
Adding Topics ensure that question reaches to the audience who is interested in your question. For better understanding we are adding a screenshot of the topics added to above question.
3. After adding topics to question, Quora gives suggestions to ask from bunch of people personally, who recently gave a lot of answers related to the topics added to the question and for that you have to pay credits.
Here’s a screenshot to show how it works.
4. You can also promote your question using Quora’s Promote feature, so as to increase the number of people who see it in their feed and for that you should have enough credits in your account.
5. Last but not the least, share your question with your friends on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, Quora allows that.

If you’ll follow steps above while asking questions on Quora, you’ll definitely get answers in minimum time.