Wallet App by BudgetBakers Review: One of The Best Budgeting Apps Out There

This post has been sponsored by BudgetBakers.

Managing finances is something that is an important part of our lives, but also something that we all struggle with. I’ve personally tried a ton of budgeting apps on my smartphone, to effectively keep a track of all my expenses, and have my goals set for me. However, none of those apps stayed longer than a couple of days on my device, for they either lacked the interface, or the features, or in some cases, both. That was, till I tried out Wallet by BudgetBakers.

The Wallet app comes loaded with a ton of features, coupled with a beautiful interface and great customer support. The app has already been selected as an Editor’s Choice on the Play Store and has gained a lot of fanfare on the App Store as well. But does it hold true to its claims of being the best budgeting app out there? Let’s find out as we review the Wallet app by BudgetBakers:

First Impressions

A first look at the app and you’d automatically want to use it more. Wallet features a neat and clean UI that welcomes you. Hiding beneath the skin are a ton of features that certainly aid one’s plans to better manage their finances. The app makes use of the Material Design and is a treat to both look-at as well as operate.

BudgetBakers Wallet First Impressions

The app runs incredibly well, comes with plenty of features such as custom budgets and goal setting, while also being completely global. All in all, my first impression of Wallet was really good, and something that makes me want to use it again and again.

Key Features

  • Budgets

BudgetBakers Wallet Budgets

While there are plenty of budget management apps available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, none of them even compete with Wallet by BudgetBakers. The app allows you to plan custom budgets for your expenses by week, month or even a year. It gives you an overview of how you are faring on each budget, along with a budget forecast based on your spending habits. As such, you can see detailed charts on category structure, making budget management quite easy and effective at the same time.

  • Goals

BudgetBakers Wallet Goals

Goals are what motivates us, and BudgetBakers understands that. The app comes with a custom goals feature which allows you to add Goals & know how much to save periodically to achieve them by your target date. You have the option to customize your goals on the basis of Active, Paused, and Reached, to easily track your progress along with your accomplishments.

  • Group Sharing

Group Sharing

Another great feature of this app is the Group Sharing feature. With Group Sharing, you get the ability to share your accounts and budgeting information with your family and friends, thus removing the awkwardness in discussing money and bringing in transparency. You can add up to 10 members to your group, but you can be a part of any number of groups of other Wallet users. Additionally, since you’re sharing accounts with different members, they will be able to use most of the features like Budgets, Goals, Planned Payments, Debts etc, that are associated with the said account.

  • Bank Sync

BudgetBakers Wallet Bank Sync

One of the marquee features of this app is that it comes with seamless Bank Sync. Being a global budget managing app, the Wallet is compatible with 3,500 participating banks worldwide. As such, once you log into the app using your net banking details, Wallet by BudgetBakers will automatically keep a track of all your account transactions, as such eradicating the use of manually inputting each transactional data.

  • Imports


Not everyone is comfortable with the automatic sync of their bank data, right? Well, Wallet knows that and offers an Import feature as well. With Import for the WebApp, you can just email your future imports to your unique email address and Wallet will automatically import your records as per the rules you’ve set. Imports is a fully FREE feature and everyone with a Wallet account can import their data via the web app.

User Experience

I have personally used a lot of financial management apps, but nothing compares to Wallet. Everything from the get-go is so good about this app, that there isn’t much to complain about. The user experience of the Wallet is what will always make me want to use this app again and again. Everything is simple, and the Material UI is very easy to operate and get used to.

BudgetBakers Wallet User Experience

The performance of the app is absolutely stellar, offering great management features with zero lags whatsoever. The Wallet by BudgetBakers comes with a plethora of goodies, that makes all your budget management tasks quite easy and seamless. My favorite feature has got to be the automatic Bank Sync, which makes things easier for me, allowing me to track my various bank accounts at the same time and get a broader look at my cash flow as well as expenses.

Pricing and Availability

BudgetBakers Wallet Pricing and Availability

At this point, you’re probably wondering how much this gem of an app would set you back, right? Well, the fact is that Wallet by BudgetBakers is available for absolutely free on both the Play Store and the App Store. Additionally, there’s also a web app of BudgetBakers. While the free version covers almost all the features you’d require from the app, the company also offers a “Starter” and a “Master” plan for the advanced users, costing Rs. 210/month and Rs. 350/month respectively.

BudgetBakers Wallet: Worth it or Not?

BudgetBakers Wallet Worth It or Not

So, would I recommend the Wallet app by BudgetBakers to you? Absolutely yes. You can easily track your purchases, categorize the payments, set spending limits etc. Then there’s the global availability and bank sync that sets this app apart from the herd. All of this, packed inside a beautiful user interface. And that too for free. Yes, there are premium variants available, but all things considered, the free variant should get the job done for most users.

BudgetBakers Wallet has great features and a very interactive and friendly interface, which makes budget management quite easy and effective at the same time.


  • Great User Interface
  • Plenty of features
  • Global Compatibility
  • Bank Sync with over 3500 banks


  • Free version is limited to 2 accounts

Manage Your Expenses Easily with Wallet

BudgetBakers Wallet app proves to be a great solution for users who have been looking for an effective budget management app. It helps you manage your finances effectively, save money to enjoy what’s valuable in your life, and understand your financial situation and learn from past results. It allows you to stay in control of your finances by planning for your future while building financial fitness habits in the process.

Check out BudgetBakers Wallet on Play Store and App Store

comment Comments 4
  • Bruce Dube says:

    I’m still using it.
    I think l like it.

  • Nishad says:

    I lived with this app for few months now. Here is my bottom line, not recommended. The app is still in beginning stage

    1. bank sync, this is a huge advantage
    2. Cheaper, pocket friendly plans
    3. Customer is responding, though mostly copy pasted answers

    1. Bank sync isn’t automatic always, needs lot of manual interference
    2. No reporting option than the widgets
    3. Few times transactions are duplicated and you have no option to handle them.

  • Don says:

    Tried it out.
    Bugs. Support unresponsive except copy pasting a standard reply in google play.
    Buyer beware. Unsubscribed.

  • Ian Cochrane says:

    have downloaded the application on my phone but having problems printing a copy of my ticket in wallet programme. is this possible at all?

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