All Changes Coming to Breeze Map in Valorant Episode 7 Act 2

The player base for the popular FPS game Valorant has been pestering the developers about the removal of Breeze and Bind from the map rotation for quite some time now. First, Bind made its return back in Episode 6, Act 3 with minor map updates and immediately replaced Icebox. Now, Valorant’s longest map Breeze has been announced as the next returning map with a myriad of changes across the board. So, let’s take a look at what all changes are coming to Breeze when its returns to the map rotation.

When Will Breeze Return in Valorant?

The Breeze map will return to Valorant’s map rotation with the release of Episode 7, Act 2. The update will be available on August 29, 2023. The sunny island will replace the latest Valorant map Pearl and the infamous Fracture map. Another map will be released alongside Breeze and join the Valorant map pool on the same day. If a new map does not release, then Icebox is a possibility.

The new Breeze update brings numerous changes to the map’s mid-section, the B site, A Hall, the A Shop, and A Cave. Let us have a look at all the changes.

Valorant Breeze Map: Mid Changes

1. Mid Pillar

The pillar in the mid is connected to the mid cubby now. This makes the boxes more useful for elevation and mid-control during the attack. It will also help players to cross pillar and push B site through mid.

2. Mid Cubby

The revamped cubby in mid has no cover now. This makes it hard for back-stab watchers. However, this cubby will favor the defenders if they opt for aggressive gameplay.

3. Mid Wooden Doors

The wooden door in Breeze Mid has now been opened, and there is a stack of boxes outside. This will allow the mid-fights to be fair, and not favoring the defenders.

Valorant Breeze Map: B Site Changes

1. B Site

B site in Breeze never catches a break. Ever since the map was released the site keeps changing. In this update, the B spam wall is lower and is now paired with an elevated platform. The site and B back-connected stairs are also removed.

2. B Back

In the back of the B site, a small box and a platform are now available for cover. Moreover, the wall is now higher, which covers any vision on-site and also does not allow entry into the site.

Valorant Map Breeze: A Changes

1. A Hall

This part was my personal disappointment. There was a time when the lurkers would roam around the A halls and clutch rounds. So, the developers thought they will end that chapter. As a result, the A halls are locked, and you shall not pass.

2. A Shop

Finally, Valorant decided to promote the chop shop and made it the only map entrance to the Breeze A site. Desmond now has an expanded shop than just an alley. No big changes at the entrance. Only the location is slightly between the old cave entrance and the old shop entrance.

3. A Cave

Speaking of big changes, the cave is now smaller and shares space with the shop. This makes the A site accessible only through one entrance on A-main. There are two boxes that provide cover for the players but they are also prone to spam.

4. A Site

The A site in Breeze has changed ever so slightly. Although the changes look minimal, they will be crucial for lineups and elevated fights. The pyramids are now higher as they have a layer of brick under them. Also, the crab and shrimp play cameo as designs on the pyramids. This can help players recognize the pyramid they want to call out.

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