Remindee Is The Reminder App You’ve Been Waiting For

Remindee Is The Reminder App Youve Been Waiting For

Let’s face it, setting reminders is one of the most annoying tasks ever. It’s useful, sure, but you either have to type in a lot of things, or say, “Hey google, remind me to bring my non-sleepy self to work tomorrow.” (That particular scenario applies to me, by the way).

I’ve tried countless reminder and to-do apps in the past, and for a long time I had been using Google Assistant to set them instead (it’s easier than typing), but even then, what if I wanted to create a reminder out of a product I saw on some obscure website? That involves a number of boring, time consuming steps. Time I could otherwise have spent more productively (read: ‘looking at memes, GIFs, and jokes’).

Then I came across Remindee, and so far I think this is my favourite way of setting reminders. Basically, anything that you can share on an Android device, Remindee can convert into a reminder.

Case in point: Just a couple of days back I was scrolling through my Google feed when I came across an article that piqued my interest. I didn’t really have the time to peruse it to my heart’s desire just then, so I just opened it, tapped on the share link, and created a reminder with Remindee. It’s that simple.

Remindee Is The Reminder App You’ve Been Waiting For

With my usual workflow, I would’ve opened the article, copied the URL, created a reminder, pasted the URL in the reminder and tapped ‘done.’

If you’re still not sold on at least giving the app a try (why aren’t you) let me sweeten the deal a bit. The app is completely free, and has no in-app purchases or advertisements at all. Sold yet?

Download Remindee from the Play Store (Free)

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