One Piece Chapter 1121: Luffy and Bonney Triumph Over One of the Five Elders

Spoiler Warning:

This article includes heavy spoilers for the latest One Piece manga chapter 1121. Proceed at your own risk.

One Piece manga fans are fortunate to get back-to-back chapter releases after a long time. Chapter 1121 spoilers are out ahead of its official release later this weekend, and it’s shaping up to be one of the best chapters in the Egghead arc so far. As expected, Bonney stepped up with her Gear 5 form in the time of need against Saturn. Curious? Find out how Bonney along with Luffy was able to defeat Saturn, one of the Five Elders in One Piece.

The Nika Duo Knocks Down St. Saturn in Chapter 1121

Luffy and Bonney in Gear 5 forms
Image Courtesy: X/@S7S_H

One Piece fans know exactly how St. Saturn shattered Bonney’s hopes and dreams by destroying her family (read about Bonney’s mother, Ginny, here). Thus, we have been patiently waiting for the day when Saturn would meet his retribution at the hands of Bonney.

In chapter 1121, as Saturn in his Ushi-Oni form rushed inside the ship of the giants, tearful Bonney got back into the Gear 5 form with Luffy’s encouragement.

Upon recalling Saturn’s cruel acts against her family, Bonney pounded Saturn’s face with a new liberating Nika Punch. In addition, Luffy also aided her by pummeling Saturn mercilessly. The Nika duo’s combo attack was yet another extremely satisfying strike against a vital member of the Gorosei. This resulted in Saturn’s body being left with holes and sent him flying into the sea.

Although Bonney wasn’t able to hurt Saturn back on the island, this time she made sure to severely injure the old devil with all her might (albeit with Luffy’s help). We don’t know the current status of Saturn, but things aren’t looking good for him at the moment.

As the crew starts celebrating this huge victory, a panel of Kuma smiling after watching his daughter become the freest version of herself is enough to make the readers cry.

Let’s see if Bonney will remain as a temporary member of the Straw Hat Pirates crew in the coming chapters. That said, how did you like Bonney’s revenge against Saturn in One Piece? Let us know in the comments below.

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