Distribution Rights Issues Hampering Release of Dragon Ball Fighterz in India

Distribution Rights Issues Hampering Release of Dragon Ball Fighterz in India

January 26 was a good day for all the Dragon Ball fans, as the Japanese game giant Bandai Namco released Dragon Ball Fighterz, the latest game in the Dragon Ball series. However, the Indian fans of the critically acclaimed franchise had nothing to cheer for, as the game was not released in India. The fact that Dragon Ball Fighterz was available for pre-order on Steam and was pulled just a few days before launch caused even more pain to all the Indian fans.

After the game was pulled from Steam, it didn’t make it to any other e-gaming store including the PlayStation Store and Xbox Store. The matter has been further compounded by the fact that Steamdb, which lists the availability of games on Steam, has marked India as a territory where the sale of the game is not allowed. The worst part of this whole situation is that Indian fans till now have been clueless about the reasons behind the non-availability of the game in India.

However, according to a report form Gadgets 360, the reason why Dragon Ball Fighterz is not available for sale in India is because of the distribution rights issues. Gadgets 360 reached out to Bandai Namco for clarification on the matter, to which the company replied,

Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia currently does not carry the rights to sell or distribute Dragon Ball Fighterz in India. We apologise that we are unable to comment on the availability of the game in that market currently.

So, it’s clear that the game is not officially available for sale in India. That said, it has not stopped retailers from selling the physical copy of the game in India. In fact, the physical copy of the PS4 version of the game is even available on Amazon. So, if you do want to play the game, you can go to your local game store to buy a copy of the game. However, do vary of the fact that these games are being imported from regions where Dragon Ball Fighterz is legally available for sale, hence users might have to use a VPN to activate the game online.

SOURCE Gadgets 360
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