10 Best Minecraft Potions You Should Brew

A sandbox game like Minecraft is all about creativity. And that is most prominently noticeable in terms of potions. From turning invisible to being fire-resistant, potions offer a ton of variety to the players. Not to mention, most potions require rare items for brewing, and collecting them usually takes a lot of time. So, to help you only focus on the useful and must-have potions, we have compiled a list of the best potions in Minecraft. With that said, let’s dive right in.

1. Potion of Regeneration

Brewing Ghast Tears in Brewing Stand
Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Regenerates health at a faster rate
  • Ingredients: Ghast tear, awkward potion, and blaze powder

This is one of the most useful potions in the fight against the Ender Dragon. But not only there, whenever you get into a mob fight, regeneration can turn out to be your best friend for survival.

With a health regeneration potion, you can deal with unexpected mobs, accidental falls, and a general lack of food. You can combine it with Redstone and Blaze powder, like most potions, to improve its effectiveness.

The main ingredient of this potion is a Ghast Tear. They can be obtained by killing Ghasts in the Nether. After consuming this potion, your health will regenerate immediately after taking damage. Unlike regular regeneration in-game, it won’t be affected by your food bar and will be much faster.

2. Potion of Instant Healing

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Instantly heals the player
  • Ingredients: Glistering Melon Slice, awkward potion, and blaze powder

Between this and regeneration, players constantly debate about which potion is a better option. Instant health means this potion can immediately add hearts to your health bar. It instantly regenerates your health rather than slowly regenerating it in regular gameplay.

Additionally, if you have a limited amount of this potion, you should save it for very tight situations. Running away should be the first resort if you have other ways to regenerate your health. As for the main ingredient, you need a Glistering Melon Slice, created by combining eight gold nuggets with a melon slice. You can follow our detailed guide to make a Potion of Healing easily.

3. Potion of Harming

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Reduces the health of the user and the victim
  • Ingredients: Fermented spider eye, potion of Poison or potion of Healing, and blaze powder

While your health regenerates, a good way to keep enemies at bay is by reducing their health. That’s where the Potion of Harming comes in handy. Unlike many potions, you can’t extend the duration of this potion, but you can amplify its damage output.

The best way to use it is as a throwable splash potion. The throwable version of the potion of Harming makes it easy to deal damage to other players and entities.

You can brew the Potion of Harming by adding a fermented spider eye to a Potion of Healing or the Potion of Poison. Among these, making a Potion of Poison in Minecraft is easier. This seems to only work with level 2 of these potions for the Bedrock edition. Furthermore, using the Brewing stand, you can level up or enhance the damage by adding glowstone dust to the potion.

4. Potion of Night Vision

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Allows players to see clearly in dark areas
  • Ingredients: Golden Carrot, awkward potion, and blaze powder

Stepping away from just combat for a while, we have the night vision potion. As the name suggests, it allows you to see in the darkness. It is advantageous to tackle Minecraft mobs during the night. Moreover, the best benefit it provides is the ability to see underground. That means you can go mining underground without worrying about torches.

You can easily create a Potion of Night Vision using a golden carrot. It’s one of the rarest food items in the game, so finding it is a little harder than other night vision potion ingredients. The most common source of this item is the master-level farmer villagers. You can exchange three golden carrots for three emeralds in Minecraft. However, you can also create it by combining gold nuggets with a regular carrot.

5. Potion of Slow Falling

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Reduces falling speed of the player
  • Ingredients: Phantom Membrane, awkward potion, and blaze powder

One of the most common ways Minecraft beginner players die is through fall damage. This potion reduces the speed of your fall, ensuring you don’t get fall damage. If there’s something dangerous like lava down there, you can make arrangements like placing a block before you fall. The potion is useful while building tall structures and entering the Nether portal in Minecraft. Furthermore, this is also one of the best Minecraft potions for fighting the Ender dragon.

If you plan to explore the best Minecraft seeds, you can use them to avoid falling from steep mountain peaks. You can make this potion using a Phantom Membrane. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard about this item before because it is easy to get by killing phantoms. Phantoms only spawn in Minecraft if you don’t sleep for multiple days in-game.

6. Potion of Strength

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Increases attack damage of the player
  • Ingredients: Awkward potion and blaze powder

The next entry on our list of best Minecraft potions is a rather common one. You only need the ingredients you use to power your Brewing stand to create this potion. Yes, you only require Blazer Powder to make this potion.

You can follow our guide on how to find and conquer the Nether fortress to get all the blaze rods you could need. This potion can be used to increase your attacking power for a limited time. This means that each of your hits will cause more damage to the opponent than usual.

Since it’s comparatively easier to create, players use them while creating builds or exploring woods at night without building a Minecraft bed. You will still need your swords and other tools to survive. But this potion is beneficial for low-level fights against creepers and spiders. If you must combat higher-level mobs, increase the potion’s strength with glowstone dust.

7. Potion of Fire Resistance

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Makes player resistant to most fire-based damage
  • Ingredients: Magma cream, awkward potion, and blaze powder

This potion is really useful in the nether realm, which is home to fire-based damage environments. Using it provides immunity from regular fire, lava, magma blocks, fire charges, and even blaze fireballs.

You will still get damage from the ghast fireballs and blaze melee attacks. But you can manage to stay safe from them if you keep your distance or stay in cover. Additionally, you can even see better under lava while using this potion.

To create a Potion of Fire Resistance in Minecraft, you need to use Magma Cream. You can craft the Magma cream using a slimeball and Blaze powder. The other easier way to get it is by killing magma cubes. You can also use it as one of the best potions for the Nether dimension.

8. Potion of Invisibility

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Makes the player invisible
  • Ingredients: Ghast tear, potion of Night Vision, and blaze powder

This potion can let you avoid fighting mobs and other players, even for a limited time. Great for escaping and sneak attacks, this potion can turn you invisible in Minecraft. No other entity or players can see you for a few minutes.

But remember that if any attacks, including arrows, come your way, you will still get damaged. Furthermore, they can see you if you get too close to a mob. So, stay away from all the mobs while using this potion, and you’ll be unnoticed.

You can make the Potion of Invisibility by brewing a potion of Night Vision with a Fermented Spider Eye. You can add Redstone dust to it to increase the potion’s duration. However, as you can’t get more invisible than you already are, glowstone dust can’t improve its strength or level.

9. Potion of Water Breathing

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Allows the player to breathe underwater
  • Ingredients: Pufferfish, awkward potion, and blaze powder

Expanding the horizon of exploration, this potion enables you to explore ocean biomes freely. Players usually save up this potion to loot ocean monuments and temples. The way it works is by giving you the ability to breathe underwater. So, you don’t have to think about going to the surface or drowning while using this potion.

Do keep in mind that it’s a temporary potion. But you can always increase its duration by adding a Redstone to it. The main ingredient in making a Potion of Water Breathing is pufferfish.

You can find them easily in warm ocean biomes, but attacking them might lead them to release poison. However, in the Bedrock edition, you cannot fish up the pufferfish in the variants of jungle biomes.

10. Potion of Swiftness

Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Radojka Travar/Beebom)
  • Effect: Increases movement speed of the player
  • Ingredients: Sugar, awkward potion, and blaze powder

If fighting other mobs doesn’t seem like the best option, fleeing might be the right thing to do. That’s why we have Potion of Swiftness in our list of the best Minecraft potions. It allows players and even other mobs to move much faster. You can then use that speed to avoid tricky situations and travel faster in the game. But remember that it doesn’t affect flying in any way.

To make a Potion of Swiftness, you only require sugar, which you can obtain by breaking sugar cane. And since sugar canes are easy to find in almost every in-game biome, this is one of the easiest and most used potions in Minecraft. Players also add glowstone dust to it for additional speed. But that isn’t required in most cases. Furthermore, this is also one of the best Minecraft potions for PvP play!

These are all the best Minecraft potions you need to level up your game experience. You can try out the best Minecraft mods if you need something even more powerful. So, which is your favorite potion? Let us know in the comments below!

What is the most important potion in Minecraft?

The fire resistance potion is probably the most useful and important potion in Minecraft. It negates all fire-based damage and makes scary environments like the Nether dimension less frightening. This status effect is also only acquirable through the potion, unlike the speed, jump boost, or regeneration effect, which can all be applied via a Minecraft beacon.

Do potions affect mobs in Minecraft?

Yes. If you splash a mob with a certain potion, it’ll get the status effect provided by the potion.

What potion hurts zombies in Minecraft?

Effects of splash potions work oppositely on undead mobs, such as zombies or skeletons. That means if you splash them with a potion of harming, they will get their health back, and if you use the healing potion, they will take damage.

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