Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) is a truly unique way to experience the blocky world of this game. There are limited controls, only a few reliable Minecraft commands, and almost negligible Minecraft mods support. All this makes it challenging for players to make any unique discoveries and make the most out of Minecraft, but not anymore. We have covered some of the most exciting Minecraft PE 1.19 seeds with rare loot, unique spawn points, and more. There’s a lot for you to discover, so without further ado, here are the best Minecraft 1.19 Pocket Editon seeds.
Best Minecraft PE 1.19 Seeds (2023)
Alongside the descriptions, you can find the coordinates to all major locations in these Minecraft PE seeds for the 1.19 update. Moreover, the list isn’t ranked, so use the table below to explore any seed of your liking.
1. The Nether Castle

Breaking the usual trend, our first seed focuses on the Nether dimension of Minecraft instead of the overworld. You have to create a Nether portal near your spawn point, which will lead you directly to the rarest Nether fortress in-game. Usually, the Nether fortresses are covered with small hills or have their segments split. But this seed spawns a complete Nether fortress, which is exposed on all sides. It is the perfect location to make a base and speed run the game.
- Seed Code: 4297606511865121240
- Fortress Coordinates: -139, 74, -11
2. Mansion Island

Most Minecraft players consider mansions as the best pre-built base in the game. This is because they have multiple rooms, reliable loot, and a lot of potential for making great farms. But players avoid them because of their complicated spawn locations. However, with this Minecraft PE 1.19 seed, you get a woodland mansion on a small island with a scenic forest and water in its surrounding.
- Seed Code: 2119486199210103974
- Mansion Coordinates: -396, 312, -793
3. Aesthetic Spot in Minecraft PE 1.19

This Minecraft PE seed shares its reward right at your spawn point to save you some time. You start your journey next to one of the most beautiful lakes the game can generate. It has snowy mountains on one side and a dense jungle on the other. As if that isn’t enough, there are also multiple cave openings leading right to lush caves and Minecraft ores.
- Seed Code: -2512336699125774095
4. Minecraft PE 1.19 Speedrunning Seed
This seed can give you a major advantage if you want to speedrun Minecraft after the 1.19 update. In this seed, you spawn in a jungle biome that’s close to a savanna village. There are a variety of Minecraft villagers here to get you beds, food, and resources to defeat the dragon. But before that, you must visit the Nether, for which the village has an almost complete ruined portal with only four obsidian blocks missing.

With lava in the nearby caves and the obsidian blocks from the chest, you can enter Nether within five minutes of spawning. Then, all that’s left for you is to come back and find the closest stronghold, which isn’t far away either.
- Seed Code: -4110782182799043867
- Village Coordinates: -343, 69, 177
5. Three Strongholds Near Spawn

While exploring speedrun-friendly seeds, here’s a Minecraft PE 1.19 seed that feels almost like a hack. It spawns you in a world with three strongholds within the first 1500 blocks of your spawn point. Usually, you can’t even find one in such a small area. Two of them even have a couple of ender pearls pre-installed for you.
- Seed Code: 4364519598890647509
- Spawn Biome: Forest
- First Stronghold Coordinates: 850, -2, -838
- Second Stronghold Coordinates: 1034, 3, 997
- Third Stronghold Coordinates: -514, 25, 954
6. Pillage Island, Mountain Side Village, & More
This Minecraft PE seed is made up of various rare occurrences, and each one is better than the other. The rarest occurrence in this seed is the Pillager outpost, which spawns on an island with all its feature intact. Right in front of the Outpost is an amplified cliff with exposed dripstone caves.

If you keep moving on this cliff, you will reach a multi-leveled savannah village that seems to have glitched itself on the side of a mountain. Whether you want an open area for a custom Minecraft server or a rare spot for your Minecraft house, this seed is made for you.
- Seed Code: -4233006545438093044
- Island Coordinates: -1282, 127, -3643
7. Village, Outpost, and Ship Seed
The luckiest thing a village can have around is a structure like a shipwreck with good loot. And the unluckiest thing a village can spawn with is a hostile Pillager outpost. This seed spawns a village that has both.

You get to collect advanced loot without putting in much effort. But at the same time, you also have to fight Pillagers. Though, you can run away. But if you want to find an Allay in Minecraft, it’s better to stick around and look for its cage near the outpost.
- Seed Code: 9008355401877120259
- Coordinates: 200, 63, 250
8. Diamonds Vein Minecraft PE 1.19 Seed

As the name reveals, this is the rarest seed on our Minecraft PE 1.19 seeds list as it spawns eleven diamond ores at a single spot. You just have to break this single vein of blocks to get enough diamonds for almost all your needs. If you explore our guide to finding diamonds in Minecraft, you will notice that they usually spawn in a group of two blocks. So, coming across a seed like this is close to impossible.
- Seed Code: 5956457956594980885
- Coordinates: 400, -40, -1529
9. Mountain Village Seed

Minecraft players have demanded mountainous villages in the game for some time now. But with this Minecraft PE 1.19 seed, it seems like our wishes have finally been answered. This seed generates a unique village that goes over high mountains and expands into underground caves. This unique position puts the villagers at risk of hostile mobs and fall damage. So which one can you avoid?
- Seed Code: -188549417
- Coordinates: 295, 123, 137
10. Time for Witch Trails

It’s time to light your torches and begin the witch hut because this Minecraft PE 1.19 seed’s village spawns with a witch hut. The village here is a plains village that generates on the edge of a swamp biome, resulting in a swamp’s witch hut inside the village. Moreover, you also have naturally generating swamp villagers, who are potentially getting their village in Minecraft 1.20.
- Seed Code: -1112713230996536608
- Coordinates: 112, 63, -998
11. 8 Storey Village in Minecraft PE 1.19

Deserts and mountains don’t go hand-in-hand, but this seed doesn’t seem to care about that. Instead, it spawns a desert village divided into eight floors on a hill made of sand. The scene is not only bizarre but also utterly inconvenient to travel across. Fortunately, ironsmiths and lava pools in the village make it worth your time.
- Seed Code: -9036966008009856678
- Coordinates: -194, 104, -221
12. Drowned vs Drowning
Finally, to close our list of best Minecraft 1.19 PE seeds, we have a truly challenging seed that spawns you underwater. You must swim to the surface to avoid drowning, but that’s not even your biggest issue.

The spawn point is close to an ocean ruin filled with drowned mobs ready to kill you. If you somehow avoid drowning and the drowned, there’s still no reliable piece of land nearby. This seed will surely kill you if you know your way around Minecraft’s ocean biomes.
- Seed Code: 29022854
13. Largest Swamp Spawn

Thanks to Minecraft 1.19 the Wild Update, swamps are being explored by the players to find new blocks, fresh biomes, and the much-loved Minecraft frogs. If you’re one such player, this PE seed is made for you. It lands you on the side of one of the game’s largest swamp biomes, which expands well over 5000 blocks. The area is a combination of both swamp biomes and has several different waterlogged areas as well as potential spots for a hidden base.
- Seed Code: 12697117860657
14. Ice Caves

You might have seen mighty snow mountains or long stretches of icy plains. But this seed provides you with an entirely new set of terrain in snow and ice with the help of caves. Unlike regular snowy biomes, this seed features an area made up of ravines, large open caves, and deep holes. All hidden or surrounded in a cold environment. Whether you want to go ore hunting or recreate the ice age, this seed is perfect for everything snowy.
- Seed Code: 21390196227281124
Try The Top Minecraft 1.19 Pocket Edition (MCPE) Seeds
Now, with the Minecraft PE 1.19 seeds collection at your disposal, you are ready to dive into the most unimaginable parts of the game. But since many spots on this list are far from spawn, you better learn how to teleport in Minecraft to save time. Not to forget, you can also use these seeds on other platforms that support Minecraft Bedrock as well. Preferably, though, we have a huge collection of the best Minecraft seeds for PS5 & Xbox players that are perfect for console-only players. With that said, have you played on any unique MCPE seeds? Do tell us in the comments section!