The worlds in LEGO Fortnite are generated randomly when you create a new world. This means the location of the landmark locations and caves can differ from world to world. However, to make your adventure and exploration easy, we have collected some awesome LEGO Fortnite seeds that you can use to override your world when creating a new world. We also included the nearest cave and biome coordinates so that you can kickstart your journey right away.
There are limited landmarks and locations in LEGO Fortnite as of now. So, we have compiled seeds based on availability of resources, spawn to other biome distances, and availability of caves. We will further update the list once LEGO Fortnite adds more landmarks, biomes, and resources.
List for Best LEGO Fortnite Seeds
1. All Biome Trip

This LEGO Fortnite seed can be fun for players looking to take a quick trip to the three biomes. You spawn in a Grassland that is sandwiched between Frostland and Dry Valley. You can also find some caves generated near you.
Finding caves early will allow you to gather resources like marble and knotroot faster. However, you will struggle to find friendly animals early to build up your food supply.
- Seed Number: 0762809915
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -2,62,597 -3,33,052 3,387
- Frostland Coordinates: -3,10,202 -3,00,020 4,846
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -2,84,633 -3,83,899 3,080
2. Grasslands Cave Party

Unlike the previous seed, this one spawns you close to several caves. This helps you build items to explore further landmarks. You will find the Dry Valley close to your spawn. Unfortunately, livestock can be hard to find in the early game with this LEGO Fortnite seed.
- Seed Number: 2074462235
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -4,47,752 -83,356 3,848
- Frostland Coordinates: -4,72,941 -90,273 3,860
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -4,15,535 -1,29,498 5,688
3. The 05×5 World

The 05×5 seed is a popular one among the LEGO Fortnite community. This seed spawns you only a step away from the Dry Valley. Moreover, the Frostland is also close. So, the exploration will be fun for you.
Before entering the Frostland and Dry Valley, you will also encounter Arctic and Lava caves. It will help you further your progress early on. This seed is a must-try for all the pro players who want a challenge.
- Seed Number: 0505050505
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -2,37,585 -1,75,900 2,504
- Frostland Coordinates: -2,09,903 -1,21,827 3,586
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -2,37,148 -1,77,693 2,380
4. Shore Explore

This seed spawns you in a different, more vibey setting. If you want to explore the shores and water, you should definitely try this one. You will find a lot of different food resources around.
Craft some good weapons in LEGO Fortnite and fight the pirates in the sea to get an early advantage for your further expedition. This world is great for resource gatherers who like to fight the different creatures and progress slowly towards the other landmark locations.
- Seed Number: 2134381581
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -3,72,566 -5,54,929 3,541
- Frostland Coordinates: -3,19,849 -5,02,629 4,650
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -2,99,051 -5,88,320 2,146
5. Winter Wonderland

If you are done with exploring the deserted lands, this seed will send chills down your spine. In this LEGO Fortnite world, you spawn near the Frostland; the snow area is huge. Once you enter the Frostland, you will not want to get out. As Arctic areas are the toughest locations in the game, we recommend this seed only to veterans.
- Seed Number: 0195463284
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -3,03,600 -4,52,406 3,426
- Frostland Coordinates: -2,90,826 -4,24,221 3,421
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -3,97,278 -3,58,887 8,449
6. Tiny Grasslands

This particular seed gets into a very challenging LEGO Fortnite world. You will immediately locate both Frostland and Dry Valley from your spawn. However, this world will feel more challenging to you because it lacks early resources, and you will struggle to find caves near you.
In this world, Grasslands are tiny compared to the other landmark locations. Due to the lack of caves, you might rely on villager companions to get resources like marble slabs or cut amber.
- Seed Number: 0145176464
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -4,63,637 -4,47,581 3,656
- Frostland Coordinates: -3,99,673 -4,28,705 3,780
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -3,96,728 -4,75,050 5,363
7. Deserted Caves

Although you spawn close to the Frostland, this seed is the ultimate gem for any Dry Valley lovers. The desert is quite far away from the spawn, but it is worth visiting it once you grab some resources. We have encountered 11 desert caves in one Dry Valley in this world. So use this seed number and jump into another amazing LEGO Fortnite world.
- Seed Number: 0997927106
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: 5,31,531 -25,970 3,733
- Frostland Coordinates: -5,11,587 -20,267 5,427
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -5,68,377 -41,459 3,771
8. Something of Everything

From the challenging deserts, let us return to the beginner-friendly seed in LEFO Fortnite. In this seed, you spawn in a corn and pumpkin field right beside a cave. This means you won’t have any difficulty finding early resources.
While being a beginner-friendly spawn, you will still find challenges as the Dry Valley and Frostland are a few steps away.
- Seed Number: 0150928288
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -5,61,965 -3,48,788 3,426
- Frostland Coordinates: -5,65,072 -3,29,311 4,270
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -5,62,563 -3,61,918 2,082
9. The Ultimate Experience

We have saved the ultimate LEGO Fortnite seed for last. In this seed, we have found tons of caves right around the spawn. You spawn close to the shores, where you can find the Dry Valley just a few steps away.
Turn 180 degrees and start walking in the other direction to find the Frostland Mountains. You will find necessary early resources near the spawn area along with the caves and landmarks.
- Seed Number: 1344392628
- Nearest Cave Coordinates: -5,74,822 -2,38,448 5,730
- Frostland Coordinates: -5,19,467 -2,53,061 5,716
- Dry Valley Coordinates: -6,11,037 -1,91,189 253
LEGO Fortnite Funny World Seeds
Apart from the best of all seeds, we have some fun and interesting seed numbers you can try in the game. Here is a list of some of the funny LEGO Fortnite world seeds:
- 0123456789
- 0020231207
- 0000000001
- 1958421113
- 0020170721
How to Enter Seed Number in LEGO Fortnite
You cannot change seeds once you create a LEGO Fortnite world with your preferred seed.
Now that you know the seeds to use in your next LEGO Fortnite world learn how to use them in the game from the steps below:
- First, click on the CREATE NEW WORLD.
- Next, click the CREATE button.
- After that, select the New World Slot and click the SELECT button.
- Finally, enter a seed code in the OVERRIDE WORLD SEED section and click Start.
Enjoy your adventures in the new world using our Lego Fortnite seeds list. If you encounter a new resource-rich world or a beautiful landscape, drop the seed number in the comments below.