Android P Beta 2 Makes Navigation Snappier, Adds ‘Clear All’ Button In Overview Screen

Android P Gesture Navigation How to Use Featured

The first Android P beta that was announced at Google I/O 2018 earlier last month brought along the trendy new gesture navigation to Google’s mobile OS, but it was half-baked and was criticized from the get-go.

But, Android P Beta 2 has now started rolling out to Pixel devices and Google appears to have taken all feedback into account to improve its new gesture navigation bar. I installed the latest beta on my Pixel 2 XL and using it for a whole day has made me realize that the transitions are now a lot snappier.

As you can see in the GIF attached below, the gesture to open the multitasking view and the app drawer now feel less of a chore. Earlier, you needed to swipe all the way to the very top to open the app drawer but Google has now reduced the drag distance for the upwards swipe, making it easier to open the app drawer.

Also, if you didn’t notice, Google has fixed its gestures and you can long-swipe up from the pill from inside an app to get to the app drawer. Previously, it wasn’t this easy, and you needed to swipe up twice to get the app drawer.

Another important feature that caused a ton of backlash was the “Clear All” button in the multitasking view, well, because it was missing in action from the first Android P beta. The users of the beta made their voice heard and Google’s VP of Engineering, Dave Burke, had later confirmed on Twitter that it will make a return in the next beta release. And it’s officially here.

As seen in the GIF above, you can now open the multitasking view and swipe over beyond the left-most app, to see the new ‘Clear All’ button. Tapping on it, closes all your recent apps – and there’s no animation to indicate that all you apps are closing; they just vanish. This was a much-needed addition as several of the users are in the habit of closing unnecessary apps, so thanks Google!

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