Alexa Can Now Berate Your Cooking Skills In Gordon Ramsay’s Voice

Alexa’s Gordon Ramsay Skill is Here to Destroy Your Sandwich, And Morale Too

Assistance and Alexa go hand in hand, but it seems like Amazon’s virtual assistant is done being all good and pious. In comes Gordon Ramsay, the British celebrity chef who is known for his angry outbursts and the expletive-laden critique as much as for his culinary mastery. So he’s joining the Alexa crew to berate the ‘monstrosity’ of a dish you just cooked (possibly, just for yourself).

Amazon has partnered with a company named Ground Control to create an Alexa skill that channels Ramsay and rates your cooking, after the hours of prep and toiling.

Hearing praises from Ramsay about that amazing grilled cheese sandwich sounds too good to be true, and it is. There’s no fairytale here. Here’s a look at exactly how it works.

All your hopes of hearing praise like ‘fabulous’ or ‘great’ can die for all Ramsay cares. He’s not letting you have any of it. Instead, it’s just a bunch of mean things as highlighted above. But that’s not all. Here are other not-nice things Ramsay could say about your food – even though it may actually be a sumptuous dish.

  • “Leave this dish out overnight. It’ll keep the (expletive) flies away”
  • “This dish should be hung in a museum. The museum of failure.”
  • “If I may give you one small piece of advice, stick to takeout.”

We’re not exactly sure of the appeal of this – beyond a neat trick to startle your parents – but our only consolation is that this is the only time that Gordon Ramsay would hate on his own food. In any case, if you own an Alexa device, give it a whirl and let us know which of Ramsay’s critiques you preferred the most!

VIA TechCrunch
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