Twitter Shares New Feature Concepts for Improved Privacy, User Discoverability

Twitter Shares New Feature Concepts for Improved Privacy, User Discoverability

Although Twitter is facing a pressing legal issue in India, the Facebook rival continues to work on various new features to add to its platform. A Twitter executive today shared a number of features concepts, varying from privacy-focused features to user discovery. If the feedback is positive, some of these features may soon make their way to the micro-blogging platform.

New Upcoming Twitter Features (Concepts)

Lena Emara, the People Experience Designer at Twitter, shared concepts of four new features on her timeline today. These features are currently just concepts and Twitter seeks your feedback on what to improve, append, or remove from the concepts before rolling out these features to the masses. You can check out the tweet right below.

Reminders to Make Account Public

The first concept feature shared by Emara shows an easier way for protected users to make their tweets visible to non-followers. If you have a protected account and reply to a non-follower on Twitter, they will not be able to see your reply. So, the new feature will remind you of that and let you switch your account to public with ease.

Twitter Shares New Feature Concepts for Improved Privacy, User Discoverability
Image Courtesy: Twitter/ Lena Emara

Account Breadcrumbs

Coming to the second one, the “account breadcrumbs” feature will let users with multiple Twitter accounts switch their accounts seamlessly. The executive shared a concept of a UI that shows an account switcher in the tweet composition window. Moreover, users will be able to get a glimpse of the name, handle, and privacy status of all their accounts in one place.

Twitter account breadcrumb feature
Image Courtesy: Twitter/ Lena Emara

Privacy Sets

In addition, Emara shared concepts of two other features that focus on improving user privacy and account discoverability on Twitter. The “Privacy sets” feature, as per the designer, will remind users to double-check and modify the conversation controls and discoverability settings from time to time.

Twitter Shares New Feature Concepts for Improved Privacy, User Discoverability
Image Courtesy: Twitter/ Lena Emara

Discover Me

The “Discover me (or not)” feature, on the other hand, will notify users when their accounts appear in search results on the platform. Twitter might soon let you choose if they want to be found via search, and even set a time limit for the option.

Moreover, if someone harasses a user by searching their name, you will get a notification saying, “Want help limiting negative interactions? We locked 5 accounts for breaking our rules after searching your username. Want to change how people find you?” This aims to reduce online harassment and improve discoverability.

Twitter discover me feature
Image Courtesy: Twitter/ Lena Emara

So, these were some of the new features that Twitter might introduce in the coming days. However, as Emara states, these are “very early concepts” and are “not being built (yet?)“. So, the company needs feedback from you to move ahead with the ideas.

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