- In-App ratings and reviews help developers know what you think about their app and gather product feedback, but it can be annoying.
- On iPhone and iPad, go to Settings -> App Store -> toggle off In-App Ratings & Reviews to not see these pop-ups.
- To disable app rating pop-ups on Mac, visit App Store -> click on App Store in the menu bar -> Settings -> uncheck In-App Ratings and Reviews.
We all have been there — engrossed in our favorite new app, only to be suddenly interrupted by an annoying pop-up requesting us to rate and review the app on the App Store. While user feedback is valuable for developers, the timing and frequency of the prompts often lead to a less-than-ideal user experience. Recognizing this, Apple allows you to turn off these frustrating in-app rating and review request pop-ups on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Keep reading to learn how you can turn off in-app rating requests.
Turn Off App Rating Pop-up on iPhone
Here’s how you can bid farewell to those intrusive prompts.
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Now, scroll down and tap on App Store.
- Here, locate and tap the In-App Ratings & Reviews toggle to turn it off.

Turn Off App Rating Pop-up on Mac
- Open the App Store on your Mac.
- Now, click on App Store in the top menu bar and click on Settings in the drop-down menu to see a new pop-up window.

- Here, click on the In-App Ratings and Reviews checkbox to turn it off.

Now that you have disabled the in-app ratings and reviews feature, you will no longer be interrupted during a critical moment in your favorite game or a crucial task in a productivity app.