#Kingdom Come: Deliverance
34 Stories

How Long to Beat Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? Answered
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Whether you are preparing or already ready, KCD 2 will be long ride. If you are wondering what is the game length for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, the main story can take between 70-80 hours. However, if you want to do the side quests as well, it takes more than 120 hours to beat KCD 2.

All Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Romance Options
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Henry can romance a many NPCs in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 just like he was able to in the first version. Romancing a character is different in each scenario. For some, Henry must complete a quest, for others he can simply succeed at conversation checks to woo them over.

All Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Console Commands
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To use console commands in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you first need to enable the developer mode from Steam. After enabling developer mode, press the '`' key to open the console in-game and then enter the console command you want. You can do a variety of things using console commands like adding items to the inventory, making a stolen horse yours, or removing gravity for yourself.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 The Lion’s Crest DLC Quest Guide
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Start the Lion's Crest quest in KCD 2 by speaking with the Scribe at Troskowitz. Solve the riddle to find the first piece of Brunswick's Armor and maps for the other locations. Head to the location marked in the four maps to find all the armor pieces.

Best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Playstyle to Start With
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In KCD 2, you get to choose one playstyle at the start of the game to have some additional experience points in the specific style. The three playstyles in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are Soldier (Strength and melee combat focus), Adviser (Charisma and dialogue/knowledge focus), and Scout (Agility, stealth and ranged combat focus). Adviser is the best starting playstyle in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 as it helps you talk your way through quests and shop in the early stages.

What Is the Point of No Return in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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There are two Point of No Return in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. The first Point of No Return occurs before starting the For Victory! quest in the Trosky region. Before you start the fifth act in the the Oratores quest during your adventures in Kuttenberg region, the second Point of No Return will begin.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Quest List: All Main and Side Quests
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In KCD 2, the missions are scattered throughout the Trosky and Kuttenberg region, and you must speak with the Innkeepers of each area to have them mark it on the map. Here we have listed all the main quests, side quests, and tasks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 The Hermit Quest Guide
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In the Hermit quest, you will first have to ask around Troskowitz and collect information on the Hermit. Next, you have to head to Apollonia to find and speak with the Hermit, confront him, and fulfil his request to find the location of the sword. Finally, find the Hermit sword and take it to Radovan. Now, craft the Hermit's Sword as gift for the wedding.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 The Jaunt Quest Guide
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To complete The Jaunt quest in KCD 2, head to Semine and accompany Lord of Semine and Captain Gnarly. Locate the stolen cart and the Bandits responsible for stealing alongside the hired hands. Defeat the bandits and recover the cart to complete this quest.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Blacksmith’s Son Quest Guide
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To complete the Blacksmith's Son quest in KCD 2, start by getting the materials for the Hunting Sword from the chest. Start crafting the Hunting Sword and follow instructions from Blacksmith Radovan. Quench and Finish the Hunting Sword and speak with Radovan to complete the mission.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers Quest Guide
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To attend the Semine Wedding in the Wedding Crashers quest, you will need to either complete the Blacksmith of Tachov questline or Miller of Lower Semine questline. After entering the wedding, wait for Lord Otto Von Bergow while finishing other minor missions in the mission. Once the wedding is finished, find the newly weds to complete the Wedding Crashers mission in KCD 2.

Best Weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, Ranked
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 offers a variety of weapons to use, each having their own strength and skill set. From swords, bows, maces, axes, halberds to even guns, the game offers a lot more variety compared to its predecessor. Here is a list of the best weapons you can get in the game.

Best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Perks to Get
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Perks are one of the core leveling mechanic in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, allowing players to customize Henry according to their playstyle. There are a total of 277 Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 that players can pick from. Each Perk in KCD 2 gives a certain benefit to Henry based on the Perks parent Skill Tree.

How to Craft and Forge Weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (Blacksmithing Guide)
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To start blacksmithing in KCD 2, find an Anvil and have the materials required for the crafting recipe in your inventory. You will also need to know the weapon blueprint you want to forge. Heat up the metal in the furnace proportionally and then hit it with the hammer to mold it. Quench and finish the crafting after you have properly molded it to finish forging the weapon. The stats of the newly crafted weapon will now appear on your screen.

How to Repair Weapons, Armor and Clothes in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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In KCD 2, there are three distinct ways to repair weapons, armors and clothes. The three ways to repair are Sharpening Wheel, Repair kits, and Craftsmen. Sharpening Wheels can only repair Swords in KCD 2.

How to Get Guns in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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Guns are one of the best weapons to fight enemies in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 that you can unlock by completing the Finger of God mission. Once you complete the mission, you can visit Gunmaker Prokop Eldris in the Kuttenberg region and buy other guns. To use the gun, press and hold the right mouse click, then aim around holding the button and click left mouse click to shoot.

How to Stealth Kill and Knock Out Enemies in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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If you want to stealth kill in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you must unlock the dagger from Lower Semine Mill or Tachov's Blacksmith. Once you have it, equip the dagger to your inventory and crouch behind the enemy until the Stealth kill button appears. You can also knockdown enemies in KCD 2 by sneaking behind them and pressing the F button.

How to Lockpick in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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To lockpick in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, you first need to have a lockpick in your inventory. Next, find the bright golden spot using the cursor while lockpicking. Turn the lock all the way while keeping the cursor at the golden spot to lockpick successfully.

How to Pickpocket in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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To Pickpocket in KCD 2, look at the pouch of an NPC you want target and hold the Rob option. Play the pickpocket minigame successfully to steal the item you want from the NPC. Make sure to target NPCs from behind and that no other NPC in the vicinity is spotting you pickpocketing.

How to Heal in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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There are four ways to heal in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 — Sleeping, Potions/Food, Bathhouse, and Perks. The easiest ways to heal are sleeping and drinking a healing potion. Bathhouse service is the best way to heal in KCD 2 as it also cleans and launders your clothes.

How to Fast Travel in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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Just like its predecessor Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 has limited fast travel. There are multiple points on the maps where you can fast travel, mostly in the villages. fast traveling is not instantaneous in KCD 2, and it also consumed in-game time and resources.

How to Pass Time in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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Passing the time in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is important as it helps you start time-related quests. You can skip time by using the T button and initiating the clock after adjusting it. If you are near your bed, you can use the Sleep and save button to pass time as well.

Best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Tips and Tricks for Beginners
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 features a big world with barely any hand holding. New players to the franchise will need all the help they can get at the start to get a head start in the game. Use the tips and tricks from our article to break the entrance barrier for KCD 2.

How to Save Game in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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Ready to save all the shenanigans you commence in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? KCD 2 saves all your game through autosave feature and you can trigger it by visiting bathhouse services or other important moments. For manual save, you can use the Saviour Schnapps to Save Game, Sleep and save on bed, or Save and Quit the game.

How to Block, Parry, Dodge and Riposte in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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In KCD 2, Henry can dodge, block, parry and riposte in combat. Mastering these combat mechanics is fundamental in winning fights. You need to time the dodging, blocking, parrying and riposte perfectly to make them work.

How to Master Strike in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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Master Strike is one of the fundamental Sword skills that can help you win any duel. You need to complete the Combat Training II mission to learn about master strike in-game. To master strike, attack at the exact moment when your opponent attacks but from the opposite direction.

How to Get a Horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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After Henry and Hans Capon's entourage is attacked on their way to Traskowitz, Henry's horse Pebbles can be found in Semine. Speak with the Groom Ballatay in Semine to get back Pebbles, either by passing a skill check or purchasing her. Semine is located southwest of Traskowitz and this is where the wedding will take place during the Wedding Crashers mission.

Can You Play Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Without Playing KCD 1?
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You can play Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 without playing Kingdom Come Deliverance 1. However, the sequel picks up the story directly after the ending of KCD 1 which means you will miss a lot of context in KCD 2. So, if you want a full Kingdom Come Deliverance experience, make sure you have played the original first.

Does KCD 1 Save File Carry Forward to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 1 save file does not carry forward to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. KCD 2 gives you a glimpse or overview of the first game, but this does not matter much for the game itself. The sequel is made as a fresh game where the first part does not make a difference, making KCD 2 more of a new beginning in terms of gameplay and save.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 System Requirements: Minimum and Recommended
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 adds a ton of new things compared to its predecessors, mostly in terms of content. This also means that the system requirements to run the game has also increased. Thankfully, the minimum and recommended system requirements for KCD 2 is still very low compared to most modern AAA games.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Release Date and Time (Countdown Timer)
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 launches on February 4, 2025, at 4:00 PM GMT and 8:00 AM PST. Xbox players can preload the game now, while PS5 preload begins on February 2nd. PC players can preload the game only on Steam and it starts February 3rd at 8:00 AM PST.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Release Date Announced
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With Gamescom only a few days away, Warhorse Studios has finally announced the official release date of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Announced; Devs Claim It’ll Be Darker and More Realistic
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 has been officially announced for an end-of-2024 release. The game is touted as a Behemoth, almost twice the size of the first part, and features a darker and deeper storyline while retaining the inherent humor of the series. The game will also feature multiple endings based on player decisions and be more action-packed.