#Jake Paul Mike Tyson Fight
3 Stories

Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson: Winner, Stats and Everything You Should Know
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The fight between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul has concluded and the results of it are rather unexpected. Jake Paul defeated Mike Tyson by 4 points and in this article, find the other stats of the match as well.

Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Fight Date and Time (Countdown Timer)
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After much wait, the heavily anticipated showdown between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul is finally happening and in this article, find out about the fight date along with the time at which it will be available for us to stream!

Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Fight Rules: 3 Major Things to Know
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The showdown between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul is going down in less than a week and as we all know, it is not just another boxing match. Now that it is way more than a conventional match, the rules for this one are a bit different too and in this article learn all about them.