- Red River Institute in The Boys was founded by Vought International in 1965 and acts as an orphanage for supes.
- We have seen Red River being mentioned previously in season 1 and season 3 of The Boys.
- In The Boys Season 4 Finale, we see Zoey (Victoria Neuman's daughter) going to Red River after her mother was killed by Butcher.
The Boys Season 4 has just ended and gave us some massive cliffhangers to look out for in The Boys Season 5. However, there is one recurring institution in The Boys that has been the center stage for a lot of things that have happened in The Boys. I am talking about the Red River Institution which we get a glimpse of once again in The Boys Season 4 Finale. So, in this article, find out what Red River is in The Boys!
Red River Institution Is an Orphanage for Kids with Superpowers

Red River functions as an orphanage for kids who have superpowers. In most cases where kids discover their superpowers in The Boys universe, their first victim turns out to be their parents. So to make sure they don’t harm anyone else, they are sent to Red River where they learn how to control their powers. Red River was founded by Vought International in 1965.
The prime example of this is the protagonist of Gen V, Marie Monroe who unintentionally killed her parents when she discovered her powers of being able to control blood with her mind. After the death of Victoria Neuman at the hands of Butcher using his newfound powers, Zoe (Victoria’s daughter) is also sent to Red River and I have a hunch that she will appear in Gen V Season 2 in some way or other.
We have already seen that Zoe is a supe with her superpower being tentacles emanating from her mouth. Now, in Season 5 or Gen V, Zoe could play a big role and she’ll be on the revenge spree to avenge her mother’s brutal death in The Boys Season 4.
Previously, we have seen Red River mentioned in The Boys Season 1 Teddy Stillwell, the son of Madelyn Stillwell was taken to Red River after Homelander killed Madelyn. Next, in The Boys Seas 3, we again saw Hughie visiting Red River to investigate Victoria/Nadia’s past and her powers.
In 2022, Erik Kripke in a conversation with Entertainment Weekly stated that Red River will have a much bigger role in The Boys universe so I think that something much bigger is cooking behind those doors that we really cannot speculate. In his statement, Erik said-
“It is not the last you will see of Red River. Red River becomes an interestingly bigger and bigger part of The Boys universe.”
So let’s wait for The Boys Season 5 to come out and you’ll be the first ones to hear from us if any new information regarding Gen V Season 2 or The Boys Season 5 comes in. Till then, stay tuned!