Minecraft’s 1.19 update is becoming the talk of the town all over the world. And it has all the right reasons to attract such popularity. We are not only getting new mobs in Minecraft 1.19, as the case is with every major update. But this time, Minecraft is also bringing some upgrades for existing biomes in the game. One of these lucky biomes is the mangrove swamp biome in Minecraft. This biome is a revamped version of regular swamps, and even if you didn’t like the existing swamps, this new biome is going to catch your eye. It has new wildlife, new mobs, and even fresh terrain. So, let’s not waste time and dive into the world of mangrove swamps in Minecraft 1.19.
Mangrove Swamp in Minecraft 1.19 (Updated June 2022)
We are covering various aspects of this new biome in different sections for your ease. Use the table below to explore everything about the new mangrove swamps at your convenience.
Note: This article was last updated on June 7th at 8:55 AM PST after the official release of the Minecraft 1.19 update on all supported platforms globally.
What is Mangrove Swamp Biome in Minecraft
A biome in Minecraft refers to a particular area’s flora and fauna. Each biome has its own plantation, mobs, as well as terrain generation. The new mangrove swamp biome is a revamped version of the existing swamp biome in the game. It doesn’t replace the original swamp biome but provides a better version of the same.

It is home to the exclusive mangrove trees, the warm variant of frogs, muddy water, new blocks, and more in Minecraft.
Features of Mangrove Swamps
All mangrove swamps in the upcoming Minecraft 1.19 update will have the following features:
- They spawn in humid and warm areas, just like the regular swamp biome.
- You can find bees, warm frogs, and fireflies in this biome.
- More often than not, you will have water logging in most of this biome.
- At times, it can extend over mountains and hills too. But mostly, mangrove swamps have somewhat leveled terrain.
- Lastly, the floor of this biome is made up of mud. The players’ feet sink a little while walking in it, but it doesn’t affect their speed.
How to Find Mangrove Swamps in Minecraft
If you want to go the traditional route, try exploring the areas with desert, regular swamp, and savanna biomes. Mangrove swamps spawn in humid and warm areas. But there’s no guarantee that you can find it within hundreds or a few thousands of blocks of your spawn point.
The more reliable way to find mangroves swamps is using in-game Minecraft commands. If your world has cheats enabled, you can use the following command to find a mangrove swamp.
/locatebiome mangrove_swamp
This command shows the coordinates to the nearest mangrove swamp biome. You can then travel or teleport in Minecraft to reach there.
All You Need to Know About Mangrove Trees
Exclusive to the mangrove swamp biome, mangrove trees are the rarest type of trees in the game. They can adapt to and even grow inside water. That’s because of their propping roots. Water can easily get logged in these roots allowing the tree to grow underwater.
The color of Mangrove trees’ wood is muddy brown on the outside and red on the inside. That’s the only way mangrove trees are different from regular wood. You can use the new wood to make new variants of:
- Planks
- Stripped wood
- Fence and fence gates
- Doors and Trapdoors
- Slabs
- Buttons
- Stairs
- Pressure plates
- Boats and boats with chests
Tree Generation
Tall trees generate more commonly in this biome as compared to the shorter ones. More often than not, these tall trees are supported by tall roots whose height is almost as much as the smaller trees. If these roots don’t spawn under the water, you can find moss carpets covering them every now and then.
As you might expect, these roots end up creating a thick forest biome in which hostile mobs can easily hide. But that doesn’t mean you should expect dead ends in this biome. Instead, what you get is a complex but interesting route similar to the best Minecraft parkour maps. This is because almost all roots bend in shapes to create a two-block opening for players to pass through.
How to Grow Mangrove Trees
Unlike other Minecraft trees, a mangrove tree doesn’t grow from saplings. Instead, you have to use mangrove propagules that naturally generate hanging from existing Mangrove trees.
Once obtained, you can place the propagule underwater or above the ground to grow it. It grows in every overworld biome and adapts its roots according to its surrounding. For some reason, mangrove trees take longer than regular saplings to grow. But you can speed up their growth using bonemeal.
Mobs Found in Minecraft’s Mangrove Swamps
Other than the hostile mobs spawning at night, you can find the following mobs in mangrove swamps:
- Bees
- Warm Frogs
- Tadpoles
- Fireflies
Thanks to the high height of mangrove trees, the bees stay close to their nests and in the upper area of mangrove swamps. Meanwhile, the frogs keep finding their way in and around water on levels. Their ability to jump above player height definitely helps a lot. As for the fireflies, they are most visible during the night and spread all across the biome.
How to Use Mud in Minecraft
Last but not least, another existing thing about the new mangrove swamp in Minecraft is mud blocks. As the name suggests, these are a naturally generating wet variant of dirt blocks. You can find them exclusively in the mangrove swamp biome. But if you want, you can also manually create them using a water bottle on dirt blocks, including regular dirt, coarse dirt, and rooted dirt.
You can use the mud blocks in Minecraft to make:
- clay
- mud bricks
- packed mud
- mud brick slabs
- muddy mangrove roots
- mud brick stairs
- mud brick walls
You can also use mud to grow bamboo and sugarcane. And probably due to waterlogging, the growth rate of both of these crops seems to be slightly higher on mud as compared to regular dirt.
Make Clay from Mud in Minecraft
You can make most of the mud family blocks using a crafting table in Minecraft. But the process to make clay is unique and interesting. So follow these steps to dry out water from mud and make clay in Minecraft:
1. First, you need to get pointed dripstone from the dripstone caves in Minecraft. You can reuse the same dripstone later on too.
2. Next, place the mud block four blocks high in the sky. You might have to make a temporary support structure to do so.
3. Finally, place mangrove roots just beneath the mud block. Then, attach the dripstone to the bottom of the roots. The water will slowly drip out, replacing the mud block with a clay block.
Note: You can also use any other block instead of mangrove roots, but we found it to be the most efficient option in our testing.
Bonus: Seed with Huge Mangrove Swamp Biome
- Seed Code: 584663505155266133
- Coordinates: X: 4100, Y: 63, Z: -38
Lucky for you, the seed which we used to test the mangrove swamp biome has one of the largest variants of this biome. It’s not close to spawn, but you can use the coordinates mentioned above to teleport to it. The biome in this seed extends over multiple chunks and even covers surrounding hills. If this seed fails to impress you, worry not, we have found many more to fulfill your cravings. Simply head to our list of the best mangrove swamp seeds and find the perfect seed for you.
Explore the Mangrove Swamp in Minecraft Today
With that, you now know everything about the new mangrove swamp of Minecraft 1.19. You can now go on to explore these dense forests to meet a variety of mobs. Do make a boat first to avoid walking in the dirty water-logged area. Some enchanted boots might come in handy as well, against the sticky mud. However, that’s only if we are focusing on what’s already out. There are a lot of hidden Minecraft 1.19 features that are yet to meet the public eyes. We are hoping to get a brand new Mangrove swamp village since there are already swamp villagers and village building blocks in the game. But what are your thoughts on this biome revamp? And what other Minecraft biome do you think needs an upgrade? Let’s discuss this in the comments below!