How to Try Out New Siri UI on Mac Right Now

At WWDC 2024, Apple finally introduced us to the new AI-enriched Siri. A major portion of the keynote was dedicated to Apple Intelligence features and Siri. Disappointingly, it will be a while until we can get our hands on the new Siri. However, the internet is a fun place to be and some genius has figured out how to access the new Siri UI. Mind it, it’s just the new UI and Siri is still devoid of the AI features that Apple showcased at the keynote.

Note: This feature is still in testing and might result in some unexpected app crashes. We don’t recommend you to try this on your daily driver.

defaults write bypassDeviceSupportsSAE -bool true
  • Then, type “killall Siri” in the terminal and voila, you’ve got the new Siri interface on your Mac.
Command for New Siri UI in Mac
  • Reboot your Mac to get the new Siri icon as well in the menu bar.
How to Try Out New Siri UI on Mac Right Now
  • To revert back to the old Siri UI, type in the following command in Terminal.
defaults write bypassDeviceSupportsSAE -bool false
  • Again, type “killall Siri” in the terminal to get the old Siri UI back.
New Siri UI command in Terminal

What the above command does is that it changes the default system files and bypasses the checks, to get the new Siri interface.

At the moment, this new Siri UI is bugging out for some of my colleagues who tried this method. You can revert back if some Siri features are not working for you.

How to Try Out New Siri UI on Mac Right Now

What are your thoughts about the new Siri UI? Personally, I like the old one. This is minimal and revamped, however, the old Siri animation is a part of nostalgia I will definitely miss, once the new Siri with the new icon and UI roll out officially.

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