As one of the most popular sandbox games, Minecraft has the backing of a large and strong community. From PC to mobile, its random block-based worlds are being generated on every gameable device. And well, the console players are no exception. Keeping them in mind, we have compiled a list of the best Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One. These seeds present you with the best locations, spawns, and resources you can expect from a Minecraft world. You can expect them to work on both consoles the same way and even on the latest PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles without any hiccups. With that said, let’s check out the best Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One.
Best Minecraft Seeds for PS4 and Xbox One (November 2021)
As mentioned earlier, all the seeds listed in this article are cross-compatible. You can use them on either Minecraft for Xbox One or PS4 without any difficulties. The only condition is that you should be using the seed on compatible game versions. We have personally tested all the seeds in-game on Minecraft version 1.17.1, so you can expect them to run perfectly on version 1.15.1 and above with ease. Along with screenshots, you will also find coordinates to key locations for each of the seeds. Having said that, use the table below to jump straight to a seed that captures your interest.
1. Infinite Glitched Ravine
Let’s begin our list with one of the most interesting Minecraft seeds of all time. Our spawn here is a good one, with a huge forest and a large village available at the spawn point. But you need to travel a few hundred blocks to witness the impossible. Once you reach our mentioned coordinates, you will discover an endless-looking glitched lava ravine.

Unlike the standard random Minecraft world, it has a repeated pattern of broken blocks till a certain point. If you enter creative mode, you can keep following the lava throughout the Minecraft world to discover that it never ends. The ravine turns into underwater ravines, but the glitch doesn’t stop. However, that’s not all. On either side of our ravine glitch, there are endless Amethyst Geodes that also keep repeating themselves. You can also keep looking for more endless ravines, as the lava-filled one isn’t the only one.
- Seed Code: 1669320484
- Biomes: Plains & Forest
- Village Coordinates: X: 120, Y: 65, Z: 184
- Glitched Ravine Coordinates: X: -932, Y: 96, Z: -325
2. Largest Ruined Portal at Spawn
Finding a ruined portal near spawn is always a bonus in Minecraft. Other than providing free loot, it also gives us the perfect place to build a nether portal. This PS4 and Xbox Minecraft seed takes this idea a bit too seriously. We spawn near a ruined portal, but it’s one of a kind.

Almost looking like it was custom-built, this portal is 10 blocks tall, as you can see in the screenshot above. Now, if you manage to find a diamond pickaxe, it’s all you need to find obsidian for a nether portal. Its chest has some enchanted items, along with slices of melon. If we leave the portal aside, there is also a Jungle temple close to our spawn, where you can find chests and other resources.
- Seed Code: -714082416
- Biomes: Mountains, Jungle, and Swamp
- Ruined Portal Coordinates: X: 8, Y: 73, Z: 56
- Jungle Temple Coordinates: X: 200, Y: 72, Z: 88
3. Best Base-Building Minecraft Seed for PS4 and Xbox
This next seed finds the balance between exploration and settling in Minecraft. You will spawn in a large riverside village that comes with a weaponsmith, cartographer, and farmers. The village is a great starting point for beginners to explore Minecraft, as you can gather a ton of resources right away. The village is in a huge open space, making this space one of the best base building seeds for Minecraft on your console.

Moreover, once you are ready to explore, there’s a swamp biome nearby that has a ruined portal, along with a witch hut next to it. Beyond that, there are mountains, deserts, and more spread across around 1000 blocks for you to discover.
- Seed Code: 911260246
- Biomes: Plains, Swamp, and Mountains
- Witch Hut Coordinates: X: 184, Y: 73, Z: 232
- Ruined Portal Coordinates: X: 248, Y: 73, Z: 56
4. Shipwreck Glitched Village
This is possibly the weirdest and most unique world in our list of best Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One. The spawn point is normal in this seed. But, things start taking a weird turn when you travel a few blocks towards a nearby village. The majority of this village spawns on a beach instead of the taiga Minecraft biome to which it belongs. And, as you can expect, it merges with the world generation of beach, including a house glitched into a shipwreck.

More than a glitch, it seems like a blessing because you will get 2 chests upon exploring the shipwreck. One from the shipwreck, along with a buried treasure map, and the other from the weaponsmith’s house with aniron armor. Even the rest of the village is not regular as houses are generated on different levels. There are some farms on the edge of a small ravine entrance as well. Overall, you should definitely try out this seed on your console.
- Seed Code: -1981773043
- Biomes: Beach and Taiga
- Shipwreck Village Coordinates: X: 1030, Y: 74, Z: 180
5. Village with 8 Blacksmiths
Blacksmiths in Minecraft are the most popular type of villagers. Finding a village with a single blacksmith is considered lucky, and well, you are the luckiest as this seed gives us 8. We spawn at the edge of taiga and forest biomes near a river. Then, if we make our way to the village, it has everything a player needs to get started with their Minecraft adventure.

The best part is that it’s the closest village to our spawn that we need to visit, so we don’t even have to travel far to discover it. Once you are done with this village, there are two more that you can explore near your spawn point. But I highly doubt you will need to scrounge through another village after this one. It also has a lava ravine behind it that goes to the bedrock level, making it easier to find diamonds.
- Seed Code: 770405633
- Biomes: Taiga and Forest
- Blacksmiths’ Village Coordinates: X: 248, Y: 64, Z: 88
- Second Village Coordinates: X: 136, Y: 65, Z: -296
- Third Village Coordinates: X: -280, Y: 72, Z: -312
6. Stronghold in Igloo Basement
This seed stands out even among the rarest of Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One. We spawn in a snowy tundra biome next to a forest. In the same biome is a snowy village with an igloo in it. If you explore snowy biomes enough, you can find a few with basements built into them.

This igloo also gives us a basement, but that basement is then connected with a stronghold. There’s only one shared wall between the two that you need to break to gain access to it. If you keep exploring the biome, there are more villages around this location to help you gather more resources for your Minecraft adventure.
- Seed Code: 331476055
- Biomes: Snowy Thundra, Taiga, and Forest
- Igloo Coordinates: X: 579, Y: 68, Z: -339
7. Pillager Outpost in Lava Ravine
The world generation in this Minecraft seed is impossible to believe until you see it for yourself. What it offers is one of the weirdest spawn locations for a Pillager Outpost. Built on top of a lava ravine, it’s also probably the tallest outpost you can find in the game.

If you are careful enough to not fall yourself, you can push mobs into the lava to conquer the outpost with ease. There’s even an iron golem caged nearby that you can set free to help you. After looting the outpost, you can carefully loot the ravine to get diamond ores. Just keep in mind that a water bucket might come in handy here.
- Seed Code: -322003417
- Biomes: Dark Forest and Mountains
- Pillager Outpost Coordinates: X: -710, Y: 90, Z: 390
8. A Religious Village Minecraft Seed for PS4 & Xbox One
In this Minecraft seed for PS4 and Xbox One, we spawn next to a medium-sized village that has 5 churches in it. Each one of them has its own cleric and brewing stand that you can use to make potions. But that’s not all, though. You can even find two blacksmiths in the village, along with multiple farmers. Since there’s only one iron golem here, we can’t count these as two closeby villages. Instead, we are treated by a rather rare spawn village.

Once you are done exploring the village, you can go behind the village to discover a circular crater. Unless you are using our guide to make circles and spheres in Minecraft, this is as far to round shapes as you can get in the game. Also, this crater is located near a cave opening with exposed iron and coal ores. So, don’t forget to check that out too.
- Seed Code: 413395378
- Biomes: Plains and Forests
- Village Coordinates: X: 3510, Y: 70, Z: 68
- Circular Crater Coordinates: X: 3559, Y: 62, Z: -61
9. Desert Temple Above Exposed Stronghold Ravine
This is one of the coolest Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One, and you should definitely try it out. The most interesting part of this seed is that it has the tallest desert temple, which is located on top of a ravine. Its height stretches to the bottom of the ravine, which goes to the bedrock level.

Moreover, in that ravine is an exposed stronghold. You can break its walls to locate a library and the rest of the stronghold. But that is not all. Just a few blocks above that stronghold is a mineshaft entrance whose traces are visible in the whole ravine. For players that don’t want to directly enter these dangerous locations, there’s a large desert village nearby too. It doesn’t have an ironsmith, but you can find food and a few other resources here.
- Seed Code: 770894136
- Biomes: Plains and Beach
- Desert Temple Coordinates: X: 1121, Y: 65, Z: 551
- Opening to Mineshaft Coordinates: X: 1103, Y: 42, Z: 544
- Exposed Stronghold in Ravine Coordinates: X: 1107, Y: 38, Z: 544
- Desert Village Coordinates: X: 1021, Y: 71, Z: 540
10. Bastion Merged with Nether Fortress
If you thought we won’t consider nether as a factor while picking out the best Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One, you were wrong. We spawn near a giant savanna village in this seed. It includes a weaponsmith and a ravine with exposed iron ores. You can find most of your required resources and tools within this village. Then, later in the game, it’s time to come back to this village and make a nether portal.

This portal will take you to one of the best spawns in the Nether. Just a few blocks from you will be a bastion glitched into a nether fortress. It will also have exposed chests that you can easily loot to get some exciting items in-game. Then to top it off, there’s also a blazer spawner really close to it. If you are able to find a stronghold soon, this seed can be perfect for speedrunning the game.
- Seed Code: -296825582
- Biomes: Savanna, Desert, and Plains
- Desert Village Coordinates: X: 941, Y: 67, Z: -9
- Bastion in Nether Fortress Coordinates: X: 42, Y: 58, Z: 14
- Blaze Spawner Coordinates: X: 40, Y: 60, Z: -107
11. Shipwreck and Ruins at Spawn
If you check our list of the best Minecraft island seeds, a majority of them have features similar to this seed, which we recommend PS4 and Xbox One players to check out. We spawn on a small island that has one of the best loots to get started in the game.

There’s a shipwreck near a cluster of cold ruins on the edge of this island. You don’t even have to go underwater to explore most of its amazing locations. Then, you can also find a buried treasure map that will lead to treasure on the same island. Once you are done here, you can build a boat in Minecraft and go to the nearby forest island to continue your adventure.
- Seed Code: 1911127900
- Biomes: Beach, Ocean, and Forest
- Shipwreck Coordinates: X: 216, Y: 68, Z: 8
- Cold Ruins Cluster Coordinates: X: 232, Y: 68, Z: 24
12. Exposed Stronghold in Village
Not so far away from your spawn, this Minecraft seed features a village with an exposed stronghold library. The only thing that’s between this library and the village is single-block layered walls. But before you venture into the stronghold, there’s an iron golem and even an armorer in the village you should induct to help you in this journey.

The village itself is fairly large, so you can get plenty of food and other resources with ease. Also, there are other interesting biomes nearby, including badlands and a variety of forests. You can explore them to get a variety of resources.
- Seed Code: 12023120
- Biomes: Badlands, Forests, and Plains
- Village Coordinates: X: 943, Y: 68, Z: 121
13. Desert Temple above Stronghold

This next seed spawns us inside a large jungle biome. But don’t get distracted by its massiveness. To reach our desired location, we have to travel a few blocks to find a large desert village. It has a variety of villagers that can get you plenty of resources. Then, next to the village is a desert temple. If you dig under it, you can reach the stronghold that expands under the village too. The TNT located under the temple will help you reach the stronghold easily. There’s also a huge ravine nearby that you can use for resources, making it a resource-heavy Minecraft seed.
- Seed Code: 900500246
- Biomes: Jungle and Desert
- Village Coordinates: X: 632, Y: 68, Z: 104
- Desert Temple Coordinates: X: 632, Y: 68, Z: 56
14. Exposed Underwater Stronghold + 3 Blacksmiths
This Minecraft seed for PS4 and Xbox One spawns us on a small island with a village that has 3 blacksmiths. The village is perfect to get you resources and help you start your journey in the game. Once you are ready, you can go underwater to find an exposed stronghold right near that island.

Blacksmiths’ village and an exposed stronghold are both very rare on their own. But this seed takes it to another level. There’s another island near our spawn that has a village with a glitched ruined portal. The portal eats up a large portion of a villager’s house, leaving it scattered. And well, it looks amazing.
- Seed Code: 542630838
- Biomes: Beach and Plains
- Village with Glitched Ruined Portal Coordinates: X: 1397, Y: 68, Z: -204
15. Exposed End Portal at Spawn
Exposed strongholds are always fun to discover. But it’s almost impossible to find one that has an end portal at the surface level. This seed doesn’t only offer that but also makes it available right at the spawn point. We spawn in a jungle near a plains biome that has a village in it.

This village is entirely built upon a stronghold. You can see multiple locations where you can enter the exposed stronghold by breaking its wall. One such spot is the End Portal, separated only by a few blocks from the surface. It also has two eyes of ender awaiting you. Coming across such a Minecraft seed again would be almost impossible, so don’t forget to load it up on your PS4 or Xbox console.
- Seed Code: -612235732
- Biomes: Jungle, Beach and Plains
- Village Coordinates: X: 960, Y: 77, Z: -210
16. Minecraft Seed with Variety of Villages
The next seed on our list of best Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One is quite colorful. We spawn near a huge snowy biome with a village that’s located at the edge of a jungle biome. It is a fairly large village that even has a blacksmith. But this isn’t the only village we are looting in this world to bulk up on resources.

Once you are done with the first village, it’s time for you to move to a nearby desert village followed by a taiga village. Both of these are also large villages. The desert one is located at the edge of three biomes, making it a very colorful place to make a base.
- Seed Code: uzavcle
- Biomes: Jungle and Snowy Mountains
- Desert Village Coordinates: X: 200, Y: 72, Z: 125
- Savannah Village Coordinates: X: -230, Y: 68, Z: -322
17. Best Nether Spawn in Minecraft for PS4 and Xbox One

When we spawn, there’s a savanna village nearby. It has a variety of villagers, including an ironsmith as well. But that isn’t where we want to stay. Instead, a few hundred blocks from the spawn is a ruined portal. If you build an ender portal using this, it will lead you to one of the best Nether spawns in Minecraft. Once you enter this portal, you will spawn on top of a nether bastion. It’s a full-sized bastion, located next to a large nether fortress. So, you can find almost all the best loot nether has to offer right where you spawn.
- Seed Code: -406193085
- Biomes: Savanna, Plains, and Desert
- Ruined Portal Coordinates: X: 1477, Y:69, Z: 244
- Savanna Village Coordinates: X: 1368, Y:72, Z: 104
18. Floating Jungle Temple Minecraft Seed for PS4 and Xbox One
At this point, we are somewhat familiar with rare and resourceful seeds. But then, there are some seeds so random and unique that their existence almost feels wrong. This seed is the perfect example of that. We spawn in a really calm and normal-looking location. But if we move to a specific location not so far from our spawn, we will find the impossible.

There’s a floating jungle temple with none of its blocks touching the ground below it. Its upper part is colliding with an extended hill, while there’s a tree touching the other side. The loot in the temple is impressive, but the randomness of its spawn height is incredible.
- Seed Code: -2075578213
- Biomes: Jungle
- Floating Jungle Temple: X: -385, Y:77, Z: 750
19. Desert Temple with Exposed Skeleton Dungeon

Thanks to the TNT traps and mob spawning, desert temples aren’t the safest place to explore carelessly. But if you are trying out this seed, you will have to be extra careful. Inside this desert temple is an exposed skeleton dungeon on the second floor. As you might expect, it spawns with a skeleton spawner. But if you want to prepare before entering this temple, there’s a desert village nearby the can provide you with some necessary resources. For extra help, you can continue to explore the area as there are two more villages within 1000 blocks from the temple.
- Seed Code: -1819585431
- Biomes: Desert and Plains
- Desert Temple Coordinates: X: 73, Y:77, Z: 282
20. End Portal Next to Ruined Portal
For the final entry in our list of the best Minecraft seeds for PS4 and Xbox One, we have something special. Both the end and the nether are important dimensions in the game to finish Minecraft. This seed provides us the gateway to both of them at the same place. The end portal has two eyes of ender and the ruined portal will need some work before you can use it.

But once you get it functioning, you can cut your Minecraft journey short with proper planning. The only drawback of this unique seed is that you will have to travel a long distance before reaching this amazing glitched location.
- Seed Code: 1087404325
- Biomes: Plains
- Coordinates: X: 2220, Y:34, Z: 876
Try these Best Minecraft Seeds for PS4 and Xbox One
Grab your controller and get ready. These seeds are going to create some long and interesting gaming sessions for all of you. But if you want to go beyond regular seeds, you can even install forge in Minecraft to run some of the best Minecraft mods on your PC. Though, remember that mods, for now, are limited to Minecraft Java Edition. For console players, installing some of the best PS4 apps can make up for a fun adventure. Coming back to the topic at hand, if there’s another interesting seed you think should be on the list, don’t forget to share it with our readers in the comments section. Not to forget, even exploring these best Minecraft seeds will take a while. So, boot up your game and hop in!