Even with the anticipation for Minecraft 1.19 growing every day, the original hit of 2021 isn’t fading away anytime soon. Yes, we are talking about the amazing Minecraft 1.18 update that arrived in early December. It’s the update that changed terrain generation forever. Following that change, we have decided to list the best Minecraft 1.18.1 jungle seeds for you today. Our team has already compiled a list of the best cave seeds and the best mountain seeds in Minecraft 1.18.1 to give you a taste of that cool new update. And if you have tried them, you must have noticed the abundance of trees. Getting wood in Minecraft is now easier than ever before. But that’s not exactly the case if you are looking for jungle biomes. That’s why, keeping their rarity in mind, we have collected the best Minecraft jungle seeds with features that you won’t believe exist. With that said, let’s dive right in.
Best Minecraft 1.18.1 Jungle Seeds (2022)
Each seed on our list works on both Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions. But, structures like temples might not be present in both. So, we have included detailed coordinates for key locations on both editions for your ease. Use the table below to check out any specific seeds that interest you.
1. Lush Caves in Jungle

Lush caves are one of the most celebrated biomes of all time. You can use our best lush caves seeds to discover most of them. But even they don’t have this special lush cave hidden but exposed inside a jungle. It is also one of the largest lush caves you can naturally come across in general. The location isn’t close to your spawn point but is worth traveling to.
- Seed Code: 743324574
- Biomes: Plains & Jungle
- Cave Opening Coordinates: X: 1765, Y: 115, Z: -1934
2. A Story Island in Minecraft 1.18.1
This seed spawns us on a small river island with jungle on three sides. The jungle biome is massive, and you can explore it in-depth on both editions. However, this seed brings more interesting elements to the bedrock edition. Here, you will find a zombie village nearby, right next to a pillager outpost. If that wasn’t enough, there’s also a Ruined portal next to it. Now, whether the villagers escaped through the portal or were killed by pillagers, that’s a mystery you need to uncover.
- Seed Code: -1548078434
- Biomes: Plains & Jungle
- Village with Outpost Coordinates: X:289 , Y:69 , Z:69 (Bedrock)
3. Monstrous Jungle Island (Java)
Our next Minecraft 1.18.1 seed spawns us on the edge of a bamboo jungle, which is a part of a giant jungle island. And it looks exactly like one of those locations from iconic Indiana Jones movies. There are multiple cave openings, including lush caves in the area. Then, there are also enormous trees with vines for you to climb. And all of this leads to a single central snowy cliff with a waterfall coming out of it. In many ways, this seed is perfect for creating an island base.
- Seed Code: -5911948648168175046
- Biomes: Bamboo Jungle & Jungle
- Nearest Lush Cave Opening Coordinates: X:246 , Y:62 , Z:-98
4. Scattered Jungle Dripstones Seed in Minecraft 1.18.1
Usually, dripstones caves are present under the ground, and usually, the mountains in Jungle biomes aren’t scattered. But this isn’t a usual Minecraft 1.18.1 seed, after all. This gives us a giant mountain in the Jungle biome whose one side is almost completely broken. And through that broken side, peeking at us is a huge dripstone cave. You can walk right into it just after spawning. Moreover, many jungle features like vines have also found their way inside this cave.
- Seed Code: -967615746
- Biomes: Jungle
- Cave Opening Coordinates: X:-15 , Y:70 , Z:-96
5. Small Bamboo Jungle Temple Island
The next seed offers us potentially one of the smallest jungle islands that ever existed. We spawn in a location surrounded by a few jungle trees and a huge amount of bamboo. If bamboos aren’t your favorite meal, you can kill a few sheep for food. Moreover, there’s also a panda on the island to counter your loneliness.
Not to forget, the nearest piece of land is almost 1000 blocks away. So, if you don’t know already, it’s time to learn how to make a boat in Minecraft. However, succumbing to imparity, there is also a jungle temple to get you some resources present here. But only on the Java edition.
- Seed Code: 1479235289
- Biomes: Jungle & Bamboo Jungle
- Jungle Temple Coordinates: X:-15 , Y:70 , Z:-96 (Java)
6. Minecraft 1.18.1 Jungle + Plains Village Seed
Even though we have models and textures for Jungle villagers in the game, their villages are yet to be included in Minecraft. We expect the new Minecraft 1.19 biomes to change that later this year. But in the meantime, this seed offers us the next best thing. It spawns us inside a plains village surrounded by a Jungle biome on all sides.
There are two ironsmiths in it too, making this seed even rarer. The only downside of this seed is that the village is Java-exclusive, and you won’t see it in the Bedrock edition. Using it on Bedrock edition spawns you on an empty plains location. Though, the spot is still great for a hidden base.
- Seed Code: 2112031829
- Biomes: Plains & Jungle
- Village Coordinates: X:0 , Y:70 , Z:0 (Java)
7. Jungle With a Giant Hole
If you are exploring our list of best Minecraft 1.18.1 jungle seeds for a base site, you can’t get anything better than this. This seed provides us with a huge jungle biome with a deep hole right in the middle. Most players might miss it or fall into it if they aren’t careful enough. Moreover, the area inside the hole is pretty leveled. So, if you can get rid of the mobs that spawn there, it will be quite easy to get your base settled in there. If that isn’t enough, the Java edition also has a Mineshaft built right into this hole.
- Seed Code: -873584229
- Biomes: Forest
- Village Coordinates: X: 522, Y: 68 , Z:1395
8. Multiple Jungle Temples (Bedrock)
Our next seed takes the players’ favorite aspect of jungles and recreates it multiple times. It spawns us close to a huge jungle biome that has not one but four jungle temples. Three of which are located close to each other in the Bedrock edition. However, you should know that you first need to cross a tiny forest to reach this beautiful jungle. Meanwhile, the Java edition of the game has jungle temples too, but they are a bit scattered in this Minecraft 1.18.1 seed.
- Seed Code: 874512433
- Biomes: Forest
- Temple Coordinates: X: -936, Y: 75, Z:248 (Bedrock)
- Temple Coordinates: X: -1176 Y: 72, Z:40 (Bedrock)
9. Spawn in Jungle with Two Villages Nearby (Java)
Villages are the best way to get started inside any Minecraft world. A world for jungle exploration isn’t any different, and you can easily get a headstart with this Minecraft 1.18.1 seed. It spawns you close to two villages separated only by a mountain. Both villages have ironsmiths to get your hands on some extra resources. Once you have explored either, there’s a massive jungle biome that you can go on exploring.
- Seed Code: -6329924776693558468
- Biomes: Jungle & Plains
- Second Village Coordinates: X: -1176 Y: 72, Z:40 (Java)
10. Minecraft 1.18.1 Seed with Largest Bamboo Jungle
A major and iconic part of the jungle biomes is the bamboo jungle. This usually small biome spawns with a variety of pandas in it. Plus, it’s the only place you can find pandas in the Java edition. So, if you are either interested in pandas or bamboos, this is the seed for you. It spawns you in the middle of a giant bamboo jungle with the standard jungle biome surrounding it. The scenery is iconic, but you will have a tough time figuring your way out of the tall bamboos.
- Seed Code: -875252924
- Biomes: Jungle and Bamboo Jungle
Try These Best Minecraft 1.18.1 Jungle Seeds
You are now ready to explore the best jungles that Minecraft 1.18.1 has to offer. But if you haven’t upgraded your game for any reason, we have the best jungle seeds covered for Minecraft 1.17 and earlier. Meanwhile, for the discoverers, we have covered everything about these jungles and more in our guide to Minecraft biomes. The biome is still in its early stages of development when compared to taiga and plains. But our team is guessing that all of it might change with the upcoming Minecraft 1.19. We are yet to get details about the same, but it would be interesting to see what it holds. But, the wild update’s release date is another story. For now, you should explore these best jungle seeds. If you find something exciting in them, tell us in the comments below. Also, if you stumble upon any amazing jungle seeds yourself, share a seed code with our readers in the comments section.