#Fisch - Page 4
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How to Get the Nocturnal Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The Ancient Isles update is out in Roblox Fisch, and if you are one of those who has just started playing the game, you might get overwhelmed with all the choices of fishing rods available in the game. With that said, have a look at the Nocturnal Rod that allows you to catch diurnal fishes at any given time in the game.

How to Get the Rod of the Eternal King in Fisch Roblox
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The Rod of the Eternal King is one of the best rods in Fisch right now. However, crafting it can be a nightmare. Learn how to do so using our guide here.

How to Catch the Northstar Serpent in Fisch Roblox
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The Fischmas event is live in Roblox Fisch and there are a lot of Limited fish you can catch during this period. Among the new fishes, there is a huge Serpent called the Northstar Serpent weighing over 15,000 kg. In this guide, you will find out where to locate it and all the conditions required to have the best chances in getting this Serpent.

How to Get the Candy Cane Rod in Fisch Roblox
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Roblox Fisch has released another new update and the current one is themed around Christmas. New updates mean new features and items and this time, you are getting a few beginner friendly fishing rods in the game. Among the rods there is a Candy Cane Rod, found in the latest Winter Village. Find out how to get this rod and all its stats and passives right here.

How to Get the No-Life Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The No-Life rod is the end-game fishing rod in Roblox Fisch and can only be unlocked once you reach level 500. This rod got nerfed and re-buffed in the Fischmas update and now the developers have promised not to touch this rod ever again. In this guide, you will find out, how to get this rod in Fisch explaining all its stats and passive abilities.

How to Get the Rod of the Forgotten Fang in Fisch Roblox
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The Fischmas event in Roblox Fisch has brought several new Christmas themed features and a lot of quality of life changes. A lot of rods were buffed, including the best craftable rod, the Rod of the Forgotten Fang. Discover how you can craft this item in the game, and all its stats and abilities explained.

How to Get the Voyager Rod in Roblox Fisch
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The Voyager Rod in Roblox Fisch has a really appealing passive ability which launches a laser beam on the fish you are catching. You will also have massive chance at getting fish with fossilized mutation. Discover what location you must visit and what all materials you require to craft this powerful rod in the game.

How to Get the Astral Rod in Fisch
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Roblox Fisch has dropped another new update this month which is themed around Christmas. There's a small little village, new fishes, rods, bobbers, boats and many more new items introduced in this update. One of the new rod is completely free for you known as the Astral Rod. Discover how you can obtain the new rod what are its passive abilities and stats in the game.

How to Get Clever Enchant in Fisch
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With the new Ancient Isle update, Fisch added a new secret enchantment called Clever Enchant. You can get it from Statue of Sovereignty (nighttime) at the Alter of Depth by using Enchant Relic. Make sure you have enough relics and a Merlin’s luck when you are trying to get it.

How to Craft Wisdom Rod in Fisch
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The Wisdom rod is a craftable rod in Roblox Fisch and it grants you a massive XP boost while fishing. With the 2x XP boost coming in the new Advent event, this rod is going to be your first choice. So, go through this guide to check out the items you need to craft the new Wisdom rod in Fisch.

How to Get the Aurora Rod in Fisch Roblox
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If you are still using the Mythical rod in Roblox Fisch, you might wanna consider having a look at this Aurora rod. This rod has got better stats in all aspects and even comes at a cheaper price. So, what are you waiting for, go through this article, and find all the steps you need to follow to get one for yourself.

Fisch Magic Thread Guide: How to Find and Use It to Craft Rods
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The Magic Thread is a new material introduced in Roblox Fisch that can be used to craft some of the fishing rods available in the Ancient Archives. These threads come in two variations - The Ancient and the Lunar Thread that are used to craft other powerful fishing rods. Dive into this article and find out all the ways to get a Magic Thread and how to use it in the game.

Roblox Fisch Keeper’s Altar: How to Find, Full Bestiary, and More
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The Keeper's Altar is an underground location in Roblox Fisch and you can reach there easily by using the Elevator in the Sovereignty Mines. This place is significant for enchanting fishing rods, buying the King's rod as well as for the completion of the Keeper's Altar Bestiary. Find out how you can achieve all of this in this full fledged guide.

How to Catch Dunkleosteus in Fisch Roblox
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The ancient Devonian era fish, Dunkleosteus, is now available for you to catch in the Ancient Isles of Roblox Fisch. The Dunkleosteus has got a huge body as well as sharp teeth making it looks like the fish is making the grimacing face emoji. Check out this comprehensive guide if you are curious about how to catch the Dunkleosteus in the game.

How to Get the Destiny Rod in Fisch Roblox
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If you are looking for a highly lucky rod in Roblox Fisch, then Destiny rod is the one you must acquire. This has a highly boosted luck stat and will let you catch a fish of any rarity very easily. To know how to get this rod, go through this article and find all the steps required and also get an idea on what enchantments to use with this rod.

How to Get the Meteor Totem in Fisch
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Meteor Totem is one of the valuable items in Fisch that will help you summon meteors for Gemstones. Go to the Roslit Bay Volcano at -1866.7, 165.3, 402 and climb through the volcano walls to find the Meteor Totem. Purchase the Meteor Totem for 75,000 cash once you find it.

How to Get the Eclipse Totem in Fisch
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The Ancient Isles update in Roblox Fisch has introduced two new totems in the game - the Eclipse Totem and the Meteorite Totem. In this article, you will find out where to find this totem, and use it to reproduce the Eclipse Event in the game.

How to Catch Mosasaurus in Fisch Roblox
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Mosasaurus is one of the mythical creatures in Roblox Fisch added in the Ancient Isle update. You can get it from the Ancient Isle at night time in foggy weather. Use Truffle Worm bait and a better quality rod to catch it as it will lower -75% progress speed.

How to Get the Travis Scott Fish in Fisch
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The latest Ancient Isles update is out in Roblox Fisch and it introduces a new fish cosmetic that looks very similar to the famous rapper Travis Scott. Find out, where to get this new fish and everything it prefers in this comprehensive guide.

How to Get the Mythical Rod in Roblox Fisch
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The Mythical Rod is one of most lucrative rods in Roblox Fisch due to its passive ability of giving 30% of the fishes a Mythical Mutation. Go through this article and find out where you can get this item and what all it has to offer.

How to Catch the Turkey in Fisch Roblox
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Roblox Fisch has a limited time event going on currently known as Fischgiving. Here, you can catch a Turkey in the game, yes a bird swimming in the game's waterbodies. Find out how you can catch a turkey in the game, and what are the conditions that increase the chances of getting this bird.

How to Get the Stone Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The Ancient Isles Expansion update has rolled out bringing some fresh new rods into the game. Out of these, there is one available for the very beginners to this experience - the Stone Rod. Find out where to locate the Stone Rod and what are its stats in this comprehensive guide.

How to Open the Ancient Archives Door in Fisch
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The Ancient Isles update in Roblox Fisch has rolled out and this might be the biggest update ever till now. Having introduced the secret Ancient Island that holds the Ancient Archives, discover how to reach this area and unlock the Door to find the 10 craftable rods in this article.

How to Catch the Megalodon in Fisch Roblox
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The Ancient Isles Expansion update is finally out in Roblox Fisch introducing a new island, new fishing rods and a brand new limited time fish called the Megalodon. This ancient fish is huge and there is a cutscene once you catch it. Find out how to catch the Megalodon in this article with all baits and fishing rods are explained here.

How to Catch Barracuda In Fisch Roblox
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The Barracuda is most commonly found in the Deeper parts of the Ocean in Roblox Fisch. Discover, what all should you bring with yourself and what time should you reach the location to catch this fish.

How to Get the Fortune Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The Fortune Rod has high Lucky stats and is very useful if you are stuck in clearing any Bestiary. Discover in this article where to find this rod and is it worth your 12,750 cash or not.

How to Find Merlin in Fisch Roblox
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There are lots of NPCs scattered all across various islands in Roblox Fisch. However, you might need to visit this particular one, named Merlin quite frequently in the game. Check out this article to find out what all Merlin has to offer you and find what are their uses in the game.

How to Catch the Ancient Depth Serpent in Fisch
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The Ancient Depth Serpent is an Exotic fish found in The Depths region. Find out what conditions does the Serpent prefers so that you can catch the fish within seconds easily.

How to Get and Use Treasure Maps in Fisch Roblox
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The Forsaken Shores Update in Roblox Fisch has a great content for endgame players who are looking for some adventure. There are Treasure Maps in the game, which needs to get fixed, and with the help of these maps you can claim the chests with high value rewards. Find out all the steps you need to perform to get all these items.

How to Get the Relic Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The Relic Rod is a limited edition one in Roblox Fisch and might hold the secret to the upcoming Ancient Isles update. The rod offers some decent stats however, you can get it for as cheap as just 2000 cash. so what are you waiting for? Go through this article and find out how to get the Relic rod in Fisch.

How to Get the Sunken Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The Pirate themed expansion in Roblox Fisch introduces the latest Sunken Rod obtainable only from the Treasure Chests. The rod has a passive ability of having a high chance at getting treasure maps on every 10th catch. Discover how you can look for treasure maps and use them to locate the Treasure Chests which will reward you with the Sunken Rod.

How to Catch the Barreleye in Fisch Roblox
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The Barreleye bug has been fixed and now you can easily catch it in the new location, The Depths. Discover, what all conditions must be met, what bait this fish prefers, and what rods are preferrable to catch the Barreleye.

How to Catch the Spectral Serpent in Fisch
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The Spectral Serpent is a mythical creature in Roblox Fisch and very difficult to obtain. Know more about the location where you can catch this creature and what all items you need to have the best chance at obtaining the Serpent.

How to Catch Isonade in Fisch Roblox
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Completing the Vertigo fully might be a challenge for a lot of players in Roblox Fisch particularly due to the mythical shark, Isonade. Catching this creature will only need you a good fishing rod and a few of its favorite baits. Discover where you can find this fish and how to catch it in this guide here.

How to Get the Scurvy Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The Scurvy Rod in Roblox Fisch while not the best out there is still a pretty looking item you should get your hands on. Learn how to get it using our guide here.

How to Get the Rod of the Depths in Fisch
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The Rod of the Depths is a must buy for all the beginners in Fisch. This new rod gives out a reddish glow and it will emit a ghastly figure behind you, thereby giving you free fishes on every three catches. Go through this article to know more how to get this legendary rod in the game.

How to Get the Depths Key in Fisch Roblox
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The latest update of Fisch introduces a new location called The Depths and to unlock this area you would require the Depths Key. In this article you will discover where can you find the Depths Key, what kind of fishing rod you must bring to get the key and finally, how to use it.

How to Get the Trident Rod in Fisch Roblox
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The Trident rod in Roblox Fisch is an extremely rare item as unlocking it requires the total completion of the Desolate Bestiary area and collecting 5 Enchant Relics. Moreover you need a lot of cash to buy the fishing rod at the end. Discover how you can complete all these tasks and get the rod from the secret cave in the Desolate Deep Location.

Roblox Fisch: How to Get GPS and Use It to Find Coordinates
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With the latest Pirate themed update and the introduction of Treasure Chests, the importance of having a GPS has grown in Roblox Fisch. Discover the locations in the game where you can buy this item and use it in the game to locate the chests.

The Official Fisch Trello Link (Updated)
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Fisch is a fishing simulator game on Roblox that can feel huge due to its variety of content. Fisch Trello board is the best place to learn about all the in-game information that will help you get better. Find out the official Fisch Trello link and Discord server link in this guide.