- Gemstones are valuable items in Roblox Fisch and are used as the ingredients in making craftable rods at the Ancient Archives.
- The Gemstones can be found at the Meteor crash site on the Ancient Isles at these coordinates: 5700, 165, 625.
- Another way of collecting Gemstones is to manually spawn meteorites using the Meteor Totem located in the Roslit Volcano.
With the Ancient Isles update, Fisch has introduced a huge variety of new features and something called Craftable Rods. While packing amazing passives, making these rods requires a lot of materials. One of these is Gemstones, special items that require more than just walking about to collect them. So if you’re in the market for a new rod, keep reading as we show you how to get gemstones in Fisch right here.
How to Get Gemstones in Fisch

Gemstones in Fisch can be obtained from the Meteor crash site at the Ancient Isles. Do note that the Meteorite crash is a rare event. Players will be notified of the same with a text message on top of their screen stating that “A Meteor has struck the Ancient Isles.”
So keep an eye out for this message, and the moment it happens, spawn a boat from your nearest shipwright and head east of Moosewood to reach the island. The Meteor will always crash at these coordinates: 5700, 165, 625. If you’re having trouble finding it, then keep a Fisch GPS handy.
You will be able to identify the location quickly from the characteristic black crater with several vein-like orange lines originating from the center.
Once there, climb up to the central area of the crater and press the ‘E‘ key to get the Gemstone. An alternate way is to manually spawn a Meteorite using the Meteor Totem located at the Roslit Bay Volcano at these coordinates: -1866, 165, 402. The Meteor Totem costs 75000 cash. If you’re short on cash, redeem the latest Fisch codes to get some for free.
However, remember that the Meteor will remain on the Ancient Isles for only five minutes before disappearing. During this time, you cannot spawn a second Meteor. Furthermore, be careful and not stand right on the crash site, as you will die instantly if it lands on you! If you still want to try it out, you will get a unique Title like “Natural Selection” or “Extinct” upon death.
All Gemstones in Fisch Roblox

Fisch offers a total of five Gemstones with varying drop rates. A few of them, like the Moonstone and Lapis Lazuli, are so rare that you must visit more than 20 Meteors to get one such stone. With that said, here is the list of Gemstones you can claim from the Meteor crash site:
- Amethyst: 41.1% drop rate. Found after opening roughly 2.4 meteors.
- Ruby: 27.4% drop rate. Found after opening roughly 3.7 meteors.
- Opal: 13.7% drop rate. Found after opening roughly 7.3 meteors.
- Lapis Lazuli: 4.1% drop rate. Found after opening roughly 24.3 meteors.
- Moonstone: 1.4% drop rate. Found after opening roughly 73 meteors.
Fisch Gemstones Craftable Rods
All gemstones in Fisch can be used to craft one rod or the other in the Ancient Archives. The rods that require these stones are:
- Amethyst: Precision Rod and Resourceful Rod
- Ruby: Wisdom Rod and Riptide Rod
- Opal: Seasons Rod and Voyager Rod
- Lapis Lazuli: The Lost Rod
- Moonstone: Celestial Rod
So, that’s how you obtain gemstones in Roblox Fisch. What Gemstones are you still missing out on? Let us know in the comments below!