How Long is Hellblade 2?

In Short
  • Ninja Theory earlier mentioned that Hellblade 2 should take about the same time to finish as Senua's Sacrifice.
  • This is correct as finishing a playthrough of Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 took us about 8.5 hours.
  • If you start hunting for secrets and Totems, this playtime will increase to anywhere from 10 to 14 hours.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 (review) is finally out for Xbox and PC gamers to enjoy and get lost in. The long-awaited narrative adventure game by Ninja Theory is heavy on its lore and a dark combination of action and graphical beauty. Amidst all the chaos, however, lies the ever-important question of its length. So, if you’re one of the gamers asking how long Hellblade 2 is, keep reading to know the exact time here!

Before the game launch, Dom Matthews, Ninja Theory studio head, claimed the runtime of Hellblade 2 is “similar in length to the first Hellblade.” This led everyone to assume Hellblade 2 would be somewhere around 8-9 hours. This would exclude the time taken to explore and find the totems and secrets.

Well, after sinking the entirety of my mind into Senua’s Saga, I can finally confirm the above information. All told, it took me 8.5 hours to beat Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2. While this was mostly restricted to the main story, it did include hunting for a secret or two.

If you skip that too and speedrun your way through the game, it should take you just about 6-7 hours to beat Hellblade 2. Completionist players, however, will definitely take anywhere from 10-14 hours to finish it. Check out the exact times below:

Speedrun 5-6 hours
Main Story7-8 hours
Completionist10-14 hours

Of course, how long Hellblade 2 ends up being will depend entirely on you. So, while some of you may finish the story quickly, others might want to take it super slow. No matter how you beat Hellblade 2, I can promise that you’ll have a good time!

With this, I hope you now know how long it takes to beat Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2. What kind of playstyle are you planning? Let us know in the comments below!

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