Here’s How You Can Win an iPhone 11 Pro by Playing PUBG Mobile

pubg mobile lucky tree event

PUBG Mobile players, you need to know this. PUBG Mobile is organising a new in-game event called the ‘Lucky Money Tree’ event where you have a chance to win some amazing awards every day.

Participating in the event is simple, you should see a splash screen like the one above when you log into the game. You can tap on this to head to the event. If you don’t see the splash screen, just tap on the ‘Gift box’ icon in the lobby, and then tap on ‘Lucky Money Tree’ under the ‘Recommended’ tab.

Every day, for the duration of the event, you will be able to try your luck a maximum of two times. You will get one chance for just logging into the game, and another if you play a Classic match. You can then shake the tree and see which reward falls off. For the most part, you will get limited in-game items such as ‘Chemical Hazard Set’, ‘SCAR-L Sand Dune finish’ etc, but you also stand a chance to be one of the three daily winners who win the iPhone 11 Pro, or one of two pairs of AirPods.

Pretty cool, right? Also, if you are one of the lucky people who win the physical rewards, you will have to enter your contact information, including your phone number and email address, in the game, so make sure you have no problems with giving out your personal details before entering the event. The Lucky Money Tree event runs from 28 April to 2 May.

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