- Wildflowers are the latest type of flower introduced to Minecraft in the Snapshot 25W02A.
- These flowers are quite similar to the pink petals of the Cherry Blossoms, and 4 such flowers can be placed on a single block.
- Players can break the flowers with their hands and use them to make yellow dyes, breed bees, or decorate their base.
It seems like Minecraft is trying to introduce more flora features to the world. We are again introduced to a new kind of flower in the latest Snapshot, followed by Eyeblossoms in the previous update. This new flower, called the Wildflower, has a sparkling resemblance to the Cherry Blossom petals. Moreover, they do not have a distinctively long stem like the Tulips, Daisies, and other flowers in the game. If you are curious about the Wildflowers and how you can get them, then, Jump right in.
Note: This feature is currently in its beta testing phase and is playable only in Minecraft Snapshot 25W02A. We will update this page as soon as Mojang releases this feature in the stable version.
How to Get Wildflowers in Minecraft

The Wildflowers are native to three biomes specifically Birch Forests, Old Growth Birch Forests, and the Meadows. Like any other flowers in Minecraft, you can break the Wildflowers with your hand and then pick them up.
The Wildflowers appear in a combination of yellow and white colors. Coming to the resemblance with Cherry Blossom petals, placing a single Wildflower will occupy one-fourth of the area of a grass block. Now, you can either place more Wildflowers or bonemeal the first one to increase the flower count on that specific block.
However, if a grass block is filled with Wildflowers, bonemealing it further will cause the flowers to break. This allows you to pick up the extra flowers that could not be accommodated in a single block.
Minecraft Wildflowers Uses
Currently, the Wildflowers have very minimal uses in Minecraft. Similar to Dandelions and Sunflowers, you can place the Wildflowers on the Crafting table to get yellow dye.
One interesting fact about these flowers is that they have a specific alignment once placed. This means that facing them in different directions while placing the flowers will change the way they are placed. You can use this technique while decorating the surroundings of your base.
Finally, similar to all the flowers in Minecraft, bees are attracted to Wildflowers and can interact with them. This will cause pollination; hence, more Wildflowers can be grown without using bonemeal.
You can breed bees with wildflowers, and if a sapling grows into a tree with a wildflower within a 2-block radius, there is a chance that the tree will generate a bee hive. However, it must be either a Birch, an Oak, or a Cherry sapling for the hive to be generated.
So, this was all about the Wildflowers in the Minecraft. So, how do you plan on using these flowers? Let us know in the comments below.