Minecraft’s Next Drop Spring to Life is Releasing on March 25

minecraft spring to life drop with players, cows, chickens, and more
In Short
  • The next Minecraft drop is called Sping to Life and comes with a lot of new features.
  • The upcoming update releases on March 26, 2025.

The time we were all waiting for is finally here. At the Minecraft Live 2025, Mojang has officially unveiled the name of the next Minecraft Drop. The next Minecraft Drop is called ‘Spring to Life.’ Packing a lot of upcoming features, the update is going to be expansive and amazing.

Spring to Life Releases in March 2025

Minecraft’s next Spring to Life update will be released on March 25, 2025. As we all know, Mojang has changed its approach to dropping new updates over the years. For the past year, we have been receiving small but frequent major drops that bring a plethora of new changes into the game. However, one disappointing news we received was the abolition of the Mob Votes.

The updates were categorized into Snapshots, Previews or Pre-Releases (as per Java or Bedrock edition), Release Candidates, and the major game drop.

In the first Minecraft Live event of 2025, we got a groundbreaking announcement where Mojang will be introducing new Vibrant Visuals on the Bedrock version. Moreover, the new variants of Ghasts will be arriving in the second game drop of 2025. With that said, here are all the new features you can expect in the next major drop, as we have seen in all the previous snapshots:

New Mob Variants

The next major drop of Minecraft Spring to Life will include all new variants of ChickensCowsand Pigs and new wool color rules for Sheep. The original ones will be renamed Temperate ones, while the other two are categorized as Warm and Cold variants found in their respective climatic zones.

Explore the Savanah and Jungles biomes to find the Warmer mobs, whereas move to the Taiga forests or Windswept areas to find the colder ones.

New Flowers

From the past Snapshots, we saw a couple of new additions to the flora features of the game. The Wildflowers and the Cactus flowers are the new ones in the next game drop. While the Wildflowers appear similar to the Cherry petals and spawn on the surface, the Cactus flowers are native to only Desert biomes and lay atop the Cactus plants.

Another flora addition is the brand new Firefly bushes, which emit light particles during the night. You will find these bushes on the banks of rivers and mostly in swamps.

Ambient Features

Finally, the game has a few ambient features that help make the surroundings feel more lively. As you walk around the Desert biomes, you will hear ambient Desert noises like the flowing of dry winds and the whistling of sand dunes.

Next, we have the animation of falling leaves that you will notice under the trees. Although the textures for the leaves of every tree might look the same, the different colors are key to noticing their differences. Lastly, there are leaf litter that you are going to find under the trees of forests and dark forests.

So that’s all about the new features coming in the next update of Minecraft, the Spring of Life. What are your thoughts on the name of the next update? Let us know in the comments below!

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