- Moving your supplies in Manor Lords relies on building a storehouse or granary. If you don't, your villagers will stockpile everything in the open.
- The storehouse helps with stockpiling the construction resources. The granary helps with stockpiling the food resources.
- Once you build the structures, villagers will move the items to them. You can further upgrade the structure to increase their space and instruct villagers to limit supply to a particular item.
Supplies and resources hold a lot of importance in Manor Lords, and moving them inside storage should be an equal priority if you are playing the game. However, like everything under the sun, the game wants you to trial and error to get the perfect method. Hence, if you build a relevant structure, it won’t be optimized to house resources. And you don’t want that. If you want to learn how to move your supplies to the storehouse in Manor Lords, learn how to do so below.
How To Move Unprotected Supplies in Manor Lords

If you don’t make yourself storage in Manor Lords, your villagers will stockpile and move the supplies to an open place. Villagers randomly decide on this area, and they’ll keep stockpiling at this place. This isn’t okay; keeping the resources outside will degrade and eventually destroy it.
To ensure they are well-protected from natural damage, you must build two storage structures – the Storehouse and the Granary. Both these structures are available on the construction page. The storehouse will store all the resources required to build structures in the settlement. The granary will ensure your food supplies in the village are stored safely.
Hence, try building both these structures immediately when you start the game. Once built, your villagers will start shifting any relevant supplies to these two buildings in the open. Later, if you want to optimize this method, assign families to the storage. This will ensure that the family assigned only performs the task of moving supplies in Manor Lords. The other villagers can focus on their given task, increasing productivity.
How to Increase Storehouse Efficiency in Manor Lords

If you don’t instruct your villagers on what resources you want to store, they’ll stockpile everything in a single place. This isn’t optimal, as doing so will quickly fill up your early-game buildings. Fortunately, there are various methods to ensure your storehouse and granary function properly. The available systems in Manor Lords are so easy and thoughtful that they can let you assign a storehouse and granary to move only one particular supply type.
If you click on a storehouse/granary and check the Advanced tab, you’ll find a list showing what supplies are allowed in that building. You can check/uncheck the resources you don’t want your villagers to store in that building. This lets you micromanage the structure, helping you further improve storage.
You can place a granary near the forager hut and allow them to store only berries, or place a storehouse near the logging camp and allow the workers to store only firewood and planks, and so on.
Furthermore, you can later upgrade the storehouse and granary to store 2500 resources. This greatly helps your storage needs in the later hours of the game.
We now hope you’ve buried your storage and learned how to move supplies in Manor Lords. Still, having problems? Perhaps you should slow down and learn the best tips and tricks for the game. Once done, move on to the best development points and elevate your experience. So where did you move your supplies to? Let us know in the comments below!