Fighting the Ender Dragon is an exciting moment for every Minecraft player. But once you bring it down, the enthusiasm, for many, seems to fade away from that point onwards. Even though the Warden in Minecraft is stronger than the dragon, the Ancient City dweller just can’t match its majestic appearance. Luckily, Minecraft offers you a chance to remember the glorious Ender Dragon fight with a dedicated trophy for it in the form of an Ender dragon egg. This leads us to the immediate question of how to hatch an Ender dragon egg in Minecraft and if it is even possible. Moreover, can it help you respawn the Ender dragon, or is there another root for reviving the boss mob? We are here to answer all of your queries. So let’s not wait another moment and learn everything you need to know about the dragon egg in Minecraft.
How to Hatch a Dragon Egg in Minecraft (2022)
Before moving on to talk about how to find and use the egg, we will first go over the basic mechanics of the dragon egg in Minecraft. Use the table below to skip to the usage tutorial if you are already familiar with this item.
What is a Dragon Egg in Minecraft
The dragon egg is the rarest decorative block in Minecraft and acts as a symbol of your victory over the final mob boss — Ender dragon. Players treat it as a trophy item because the dragon egg only spawns if you kill the dragon for the first time on the Java edition and the first two times on the Bedrock edition in any given world.
But please don’t confuse the dragon egg with the Ender dragon spawn egg. You cannot find the latter in survival mode, but it allows you to immediately spawn the Ender dragon at will. The dragon egg is purely decorative, and you can’t use it for any functional purpose. Lucky for you, you don’t even need the Dragon egg to respawn the Ender dragon in Minecraft.

It has the same iconic texture as the Endermen and the dragon itself. You can place it on top of other blocks but not on their sides as eggs, like sand blocks, are affected by the game’s gravity. So it requires a base block to be placed upon. Though, unlike other falling blocks, the dragon egg can’t suffocate mobs by covering them.
Moreover, like an Enderman, the dragon egg has the ability to teleport to different spots when hit by the player. It can teleport within a 31 × 15 × 31 volumetric area if there is an empty area (air block) around it. So it becomes challenging for players to break and obtain it. But worry not, because we have it all covered. Continue reading to find out how to get the Ender dragon egg without making it disappear.
How to Get the Ender Dragon Egg
Now that you know what the purpose of the egg is and how it can act as a decorative piece in your home, follow the steps below to find an Ender dragon egg in Minecraft:
1. First, find a Stronghold in Minecraft and travel to the End dimension using the End portal. It’s the only dimension where the Ender Dragon and the dragon egg can spawn naturally.

2. Then, you have to defeat and kill the Ender dragon to spawn the dragon egg. Some of the best Minecraft potions will make the fight a little easier.

3. Once the Ender dragon dies, the dragon egg will spawn in the middle of the main End island. It will spawn on top of the portal structure that leads to the overworld. Cover the portal area with solid blocks to prevent the egg from accidentally falling into it.

4. If you break it by hand or use any tool, the dragon egg will teleport to a new location. So, instead of mining it, place a TNT next to the egg and ignite it. Alternatively, you can place a piston next to the egg and activate it using a lever or a button to push the egg. Pushing or exploding the egg makes it drop itself as an item.

How to Hatch a Dragon Egg in Minecraft
As mentioned earlier, there is no practical way to “hatch” the Ender dragon in Minecraft, as there is no baby version of this mob. However, while you keep your egg as memorabilia, you can use the in-game mechanics to easily spawn another Ender dragon. Killing the new dragon will get you a second dragon egg but only in the Bedrock edition. Meanwhile, the Java players can just respawn the dragon to relive the adventurous moments.
Items You Need to Respawn the Ender Dragon
You need the following items to use spawn the Ender dragon again in Minecraft:
- 4 End Crystals
- 28 Glass Blocks (7 for each)
- 4 Eyes of Ender (1 for each)
- 4 Ghast Tears (1 for each)
- Crafting Table
How to Craft End Crystals in Minecraft

To create an End crystal, you have to put an Eye of Ender in the middle of the crafting table. Then, place a ghast tear in the middle cell of the bottommost row. Lastly, fill all the remaining cells with glass blocks.
Steps to Hatch Dragon Egg in Minecraft
If you have collected all the End crystals, it’s time to witness the moment we have been waiting for. Follow these steps to learn how to respawn an Ender dragon with or without the Ender dragon egg in Minecraft:
1. First, go back to the End dimension through the Stronghold in Minecraft. It is the only place where the Ender Dragon can spawn.

2. Next, surround the main structure with End crystals. To do that, place one end crystal in the middle of each row of Bedrock blocks around the portal.

4. As soon as you place the fourth crystal, the End crystal will repair the broken crystals that spawn on top of the obsidian towers. Once all the crystals are back, the crystals around the portal and the portal itself will disappear. Now, you have to kill the new Ender dragon to reopen the portal and go back to the overworld.

Other Ways to Spawn Ender Dragon
Create a New World
If you don’t want to risk losing your resources, you can create a new Minecraft world to meet the Ender dragon again. Every Minecraft world has its own Ender dragon that you can fight without putting your other worlds at risk.
Spawn Ender Dragon with Commands
The easiest way to spawn an Ender dragon in any dimension of Minecraft is by using commands. You only need to turn on cheats in your world and use the following command to spawn the dragon at your current location:
/summon minecraft:ender_dragon ~ ~ ~
Ender Dragon Egg FAQs
While the dragon egg doesn’t despawn once the Ender dragon spawns, it can still get destroyed by the dragon. So, it’s best to quickly pick it up and store it at a safer location before getting involved in the main fight. Since you don’t even need the egg to spawn the dragon, it is unnecessary to risk it.
You can use the following command in a cheats-enabled world of Minecraft to get unlimited dragon eggs:
/give @s minecraft:dragon_egg
As soon as the Ender dragon spawns again in the End dimension, the portal to the overworld disappears. Now, you have to either kill the dragon or get killed to go back to the overworld.
How to Spawn Ender Dragon in Minecraft
With that, you are now ready to have another round of battle with the Ender dragon in Minecraft 1.19 or earlier. But before you do so, make sure you have the best Minecraft enchantments backing you up. Most players go for the second fight to obtain additional experience orbs. If you have the same aim, we suggest you create a Sculk XP farm instead. It is one of the most productive ways to obtain experience quickly in Minecraft. With that said, do you think the Ender dragon is underpowered as the main boss of Minecraft? Or is she sufficient for all the new players? Tell us in the comments below!