Goats were introduced in Minecraft with the 1.17 update, and they are rather unique creatures. But other than pushing mobs off the cliffs, goats don’t really have a purpose in the game. Fortunately, that’s about to change with the upcoming Minecraft 1.19 Wild Update. Among the numerous unique features of this update, the goats are finally getting an exclusive drop in the form of goat horns. And getting them is more fun than even using them. So let’s go ahead and learn how to get a goat horn in Minecraft using the easiest methods possible. From compatible blocks to best techniques, we have included everything in this guide. So, without further ado, let’s get started and obtain goat horns in Minecraft.
Get and Use a Goat Horn in Minecraft (Updated June 2022)
Before we learn how to obtain a goat horn, we first need to understand its spawn mechanics. So, we have divided our guide into several sections to make it easy for you to follow.
Note: This article was last updated on June 7th at 9:00 AM PST after the official Minecraft 1.19 update release.
What is a Goat in Minecraft
Exclusive to the mountainous biomes, a goat is a neutral mob in Minecraft. It was first teased in the Caves & Cliffs: Part 1 update, with a major focus on its tendency to ram into mobs. But this unique mechanic had no purpose until the introduction of goat horns.
When the goats were first released, they only provided milk to the players. Unfortunately, at that point, milk was already a market purely dominated by easier-to-find cows. So, many players didn’t even notice the goat in the game. However, now, if you know how to get a goat horn, things can get way more interesting with this unique mob.
What is a Goat Horn in Minecraft
A goat horn is a musical instrument in Minecraft that makes a unique sound when blown into. It is the first official musical instrument in Minecraft. The sound that a goat horn makes is loud and can be heard from a reasonable distance. You can use it to locate your friends on the best Minecraft servers. But if making loud noises doesn’t feel enough, you can take its use a step further.

Minecraft has 8 types of goat horns, and each of them has a unique sound. So, with practice and effort, you can even create a band in-game with your friends. And since developers are officially calling goat horns an instrument, we might see more musical options in future updates.
Types of Goat Horns You Can Get
All types of goat horns look the same in-game, and their names or types are based on the sound they make. The goats in Minecraft drop the following types of goat horns:
- Ponder
- Sing
- Seek
- Feel
- Admire*
- Call*
- Yearn*
- Dream*
*Only dropped by a screaming goat
What Does a Goat Horn Sound Like
Each goat horn has a unique sound. Some of them sound like a war horn, while other sounds like an animal’s howl. You can use the audio player below to listen to a Ponder goat horn’s sound in Minecraft.
How to Find a Goat Horn
The most reliable way to find goat horns is by visiting a Pillager Outpost. The chests at Pillager Outposts always spawn with one goat horn. You simply have to go and collect it. Although the type of goat horn might vary, you are not coming back empty-handed. And while you are there, you can also use the outpost to easily find Allay in Minecraft.
Though, do keep in mind that you can only find four goat horn variants at Pillager Outposts. These include:
- Ponder
- Sing
- Seek
- Feel
To get your hands on the remaining four types of goat horns, you will have to find a specific type of goat, which we have discussed later in this guide.
How to Get Goat Horns in Minecraft
Follow these steps to easily find goats, tame them, and obtain goat horns in Minecraft:
1. Before you get a goat horn, you have to first find a goat. The goats only spawn in the mountainous biomes of Minecraft. You can use our list of best mountain seeds to find them quickly.

2. Once you find a goat, you have to keep it around and tame it. To do so, make fences in Minecraft and put them around the goat(s) you have. You can use wheat to make goats follow you. Not to forget, goats can jump really high. So make sure to add a roof to your structure. Alternatively, you can also make the structure out of the target block to make it easier for goats to ram into it.

3. Now, unlike other mobs, you don’t have to kill the goat to obtain the goat horn. Instead, you have to wait for the goat to ram its head into a block from the mountainous biome. The supported blocks include:
- Copper Ore
- Emerald Ore
- Iron Ore
- Packed Ice
- Stone
Among these, you can only break and place log blocks without much effort. For everything else, you will need a pickaxe with the silk touch enchantment.
4. Make a small wall out of one of the compatible blocks. Then, wait for about 30 to 300 seconds in front of the wall. When the goat is about to ram into you, move out of the way and let it hit the wall. This way, the goat will end up dropping up to 2 goat horns. The type of horn will be completely random.

5. Finally, you only have to pick up the dropped goat horn by going near it. Then, you can equip it from your inventory and use the right-click or secondary action button to play the sound.

What is a Screaming Goat and How to Find It
Screaming goats are a rare variant of goats in Minecraft. They have a spawn rate of less than 2% within any given group of goats. You can’t differentiate between a screaming goat and a regular goat visually. Instead, the screaming goats have a higher-pitched voice that almost feels like a scream, and they also ram into blocks more often, making it easier to get a goat horn.
You can’t do anything to make a screaming goat spawn manually. But if you do stumble upon it in your Minecraft world, you can obtain the following rare types of goat horns:
- Admire
- Dream
- Call
- Yearn
Now, the method to get goat horns from the screaming goat is the same as the one you use with regular goats. So scroll back up and check out the steps if you haven’t already.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Baby Goats Drop Goat Horns?
Only the adult goats in Minecraft drop goat horns when they ram into a compatible block.
How Many Types of Goat Horns are There in Minecraft?
Minecraft has 8 types of goat horns, including Ponder, Sing, Seek, Feel, Admire, Call, Yearn, and Dream. Each one of them has a unique sound.
What Are the Chances of Getting a Goat Horn in Minecraft?
If the goat has horns on its head and it rams into a compatible block, it will drop a horn every time.
Can You Get a Goat Horn by Killing a Goat?
Goats only drop experience orbs when killed. You have to make the goat ram into solid blocks to obtain goat horns.
Do Goat Horns Regrow?
We are yet to get an official answer. But in our testing, we were unable to regrow the horns of any goats after they had dropped the goat horns.
Get a Goat Horn and Start a Band with Friends in Minecraft!
Now that you know how to get a horn in Minecraft, it’s time to band your crew together and collect all its variants to form a band. You can create your own Minecraft server to do so peacefully. But, if you don’t mind having strangers in your band, the Minecraft Hypixel server is the best place to do so. And while we are discussing music in Minecraft, Allay and note blocks have a really interesting relationship, which you can read about using the linked article. You can use them both to expand your collection with ease. Having said that, how do you plan to use the goat horn? Tell us in the comments below!