- The Pokemon GO Leader Cliff has three phases, including a Shadow Cubone in the first phase and a few more in the second and third phases.
- You track the boss using the Rocket Radar, which is built out of six mysterious components. Then, you find the boss in various Team GO rocket hideouts.
- Once found, use the necessary Pokemon against his shadow Pokemon to defeat and progress through your quest.
Team GO Rocket Leader Cliff is back in Pokemon GO, and taking him down isn’t as simple as battling regular bosses. The key to winning these battles is knowing what Pokemon you’ll face and having the right counters ready. Our handy guide breaks down everything about facing Cliff – from finding him to choosing the best Pokemon for each possible matchup.
Leader Cliff Pokemon Lineup (February 2025)
As of February 2025, the Pokemon GO Cliff Boss fight comprises three phases, each featuring a different boss Pokemon. The initial phase showcases the shadow form of the Pokemon Cubone.
In phase two, depending on luck and your opponent, you’ll encounter a random variant of Shadow Machoke / Shadow Annihilape / Shadow Marowak. After defeating these two Pokemon, you’ll face the final boss, the shadow variant of Shadow Machamp / Shadow Crobat / Shadow Tyranitar. Here are the Pokemon GO leader Cliff bosses:
Phase Pokemon First (Fixed) Shadow Cubone Second (Random) Shadow Machoke / Shadow Annihilape / Shadow Marowak Third (Random) Shadow Machamp / Shadow Crobat / Shadow Tyranitar
How to Beat Cliff in Pokemon GO
You must beat the current Pokemon lineup in-game to beat Cliff in Pokemon GO. Here’s how to win against all the Pokemon in each phase.
Cliff Phase 1: Shadow Cubone Counters
Shadow Cubone might be small, but don’t underestimate it. As a Normal-type, it has a significant weakness to Fighting-type moves – taking double damage from them. This makes Fighting-type Pokemon your best choice for the first phase. Hence, the best Leader Cliff phase 1 counters are:
Pokemon | Image | Fast Move | Charged Move |
Mega Lucario | ![]() | Force Palm | Aura Sphere |
Terrakion | ![]() | Double Kick | Sacred Sword |
Conkeldurr | ![]() | Counter | Dynamic Punch |
Pheromosa | ![]() | Low Kick | Focus Blast |
Machamp | ![]() | Counter | Dynamic Punch |
These Pokemon are the perfect to bring over. Once you defeat him, it is time for the second phase of the fight.
Cliff Phase 2: Shadow Machoke / Shadow Annihilape / Shadow Marowak Counters
In the second boss fight, you can fight between either a Shadow Machoke, Shadow Annihilape, or Shadow Marowak. Here are some counters for each of these Pokemon:
Shadow Machoke Counters
When facing Shadow Machoke, you’re dealing with a Fighting-type that can be surprisingly tough. The good news is that it has several weaknesses you can exploit. Flying and Psychic-type moves work well:
Pokemon Image Fast Move Charged Move Mega Rayquaza Air Slash Dragon Ascent Mewtwo Psycho Cut Psystrike Charizard Fire Spin Blast Burn Reshiram Fire Fang Fusion Flare Heatran Fire Spin Magma Storm
Shadow Annihilape Counters
Shadow Annihilape can be tricky due to its Fighting/Ghost typing giving it several weaknesses to work with. Flying-type moves are particularly effective, and Psychic-type attacks can also damage significantly.
Pokemon Image Fast Move Charged Move Mega Rayquaza Air Slash Dragon Ascent Necrozma Psycho Cut Moongeist Beam Mewtwo Psycho Cut Psystrike Reshiram Fire Fang Fusion Flare
Shadow Marowak Counters
Marowak is a Ground-type Pokemon. As such, their weakness includes Grass, Ice, and Water-type Pokemon. Hence, tap into its weakness and bring any Pokemon belonging to these elements. Alternatively, the best Shadow Gallade counters are:
Pokemon Image Fast Move Charged Move Mega Sceptile Bullet Seed Frenzy Plant Roserade Razor Leaf Solar Beam Kartana Razor Leaf Leaf Blade Mamoswine Powder Snow Avalanche
Once either of these three Pokemon is defeated, we move to the final phase of the Cliff boss fight in Pokemon GO.
Cliff Phase 3: Shadow Machamp, Shadow Crobat, Shadow Tyranitar Counters
The final boss fight will make you fight between a SShadow Machamp, Shadow Crobat or Shadow Tyranitar As such, here are some counters for each of these Pokemon:
Shadow Tyranitar
Tyraanitaar is a Rock/Dark-type Pokemon. Hence, they are weak to Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water-type attacks. So, you can either bring in a strong Pokemon belonging to these elements or bring these Pokemon to the fight:
Pokemon Image Fast Move Charged Move Mega Lucario Force Palm Aura Sphere Conkeldurr Counter Dynamic Punch Terrakion Double Kick Sacred Sword Mega Gardevoir Charm Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Machamp
Shadow Machamp is a fighting type that makes it extremely vulnerable to Psychic-type moves. Focus on Pokemon with strong Psychic-type moves or fairy-type moves that can maintain consistent damage output.
Pokemon Image Fast Move Charged Move Mega Rayquaza Air Slash Dragon Ascent Mewtwo Psycho Cut Psystrike Reshiram Fire Fang Fusion Flare Heatran Fire Spin Magma Storm
Shadow Crobat
Crobat is a Poison/Flying-type Pokemon. Hence, they are weak against Psychic, Electric, Rock, and Ice-type attacks. So, either bring a strong Pokemon belonging to these elements or bring these three Pokemon:
Pokemon Image Fast Move Charged Move Mewtwo Psycho Cut Psystrike Darmanitan (Galarian Zen) Ice Fang Avalanche Hoopa (Unbound) Confusion Psychic Mega Tyranitar Smack Down Stone Edge Mega Alakazam Psycho Cut Psychic
Where to Find Cliff in Pokemon GO
Finding Cliff requires some preparation. First, you need to defeat six Team GO Rocket Grunts to collect their Mysterious Components. Once you have all six, they’ll automatically combine to form a Rocket Radar. After activating the Radar, check nearby PokeStops or wait for Team GO Rocket balloons – you have a 1/3 chance of encountering Cliff instead of the other leaders.
Rewards for Defeating Cliff in Pokemon GO
Taking down Cliff gives you several valuable rewards:
- 1,000 Stardust
- A chance to catch Shadow Galarian Zigzagoon (with a 1/64 shiny rate)
- Two random reward bundles from:
- 4 Revives
- 2 Max Revives
- 4 Hyper Potions
- 2 Max Potions
- 1 Unova Stone
- 1 Strange Egg (12km)
That is how you defeat Leader Cliff in Pokemon GO. I hope you can track down this boss with these tips and have a great time beating him. In the comments below, let me know if you’ve found and fought Cliff.