Google Assistant already allows users to easily send text messages to their contacts. It only requires you to call upon the voice assistant with the contact’s name and say the message out loud. It saves time for those who are lazy enough to type a message. Well, if you want to make your messages more personal, Google Assistant now allows you to send audio messages to contacts as well.
How do you use this new feature? Without reaching out for your phone, just say “Hey Google, send an audio message” or “Hey Google, send an audio message to [contact name]” to activate the feature. The Google Assistant will then start recording an audio message, while also transcribing the same in real-time to give you an idea of what you are recording.
You can also append the audio message to the command itself. It will then look like – “Hey Google, send an audio message to Akshay saying how’s life in lockdown bro?” Google Assistant will then ask for confirmation to send the message. And voila, the whole audio messaging experience now becomes hands-free. You no longer need to hold down on the ‘mic’ button in messaging apps to record an audio message.
The audio message feature is currently available when the Assistant language is set to English or Portuguese in Brazil. The rest of the countries will have to wait for the roll out over the coming months. You can send an audio message over SMS or WhatsApp. In an official blog post, Google has also listed five other ways users can get more done with just an audio command for Google Assistant.