This Website Lets You Find and Use Royalty-Free Music

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With increasing emphasis on copyright rules and regulations, finding a free-to-use audio track for using as a background tune can turn out to be a quite tiresome task. It involves doing a lot of manual searches and listening to fix that one song that would suit the theme of the video. To make this process easier, there exists a website named BentenSound which acts as a one-stop destination for music.

BentenSound is a decentralized platform based on Blockchain that has a collection of royalty-free music for your videos. All the website asks you to do is to link the original musicians who composed the track as a way of paying tribute to their work.

Getting started with BentenSound is quite easy. You need to create a BlockStack account for accessing the platform. Once you’ve created that, you can log in to view the collection of stock music and download the ones you need for your usage.

On the website, there is an inline media player that lets you play the audio files before actually downloading them on your PC which is great, and is a major advantage considering that most other websites don’t provide this feature and will force you to download the file to even listen to it.

If you’re feeling skeptical about deciding on a particular track, the website provides you with the option of liking the songs so that you can review them later. To check the liked songs, head to Likes present on the top right corner of the website. You’ll find all the songs you’ve liked in this section which is quite handy for quick access.

As of now, the music collection is not vast as it is not that popular but we expect it to catch up soon and serve as a massive library of royalty-free music. If you’re a musician and you want to submit your music to BentenSound, you may do so by providing the details here. Check out BentenSound and let us know your thoughts on this approach in the comments.

Visit the BentenSound website

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