Fastory Brings Instagram Stories to Websites

Fastory Brings Instagram Stories to Websites

Since its launch, Instagram Stories have become more popular than anyone anticipated. In fact, it has been reported that time spent on watching Instagram Stories will surpass the time spent on Instagram feed in future. That’s mind-boggling when you think about it. Instagram Stories has especially helped creators to build their audiences. Since the Stories are always at the top, they have a lesser chance of being lost in the sea of other content. After its rise in popularity, Instagram has also been pushing new features for its Stories including transparent GIFs support, posting Instagram Stories to WhatsApp, and more.

With its rising popularity, now even third-party developers are launching products which focus solely on the Instagram Stories. Just today, we discovered a new service called Fastory, which allows website owners to integrate Instagram Stories directly on their website. This is one of the best usages of Instagram Stories that I have seen in a while.

Integrating Instagram Stories with your website will not only allow you to increase your social following, it’s also a cool way to promote products which you think can be beneficial for your readers. Fastory also makes it really simple to add Instagram Stories to your website. All you need to do is visit Fastory’s website and log in with your Facebook account to sync your Instagram Stories stream.


The website then will generate the HTML code which you will need to paste on your website for the feature to work. Once you paste the HTML code on your website, every time you post a new Instagram Story on your profile, it will automatically be shown on your website. If you try the service right now, you can also showcase Instagram Memories on your website for free. If you are a website owner, I highly recommend that you check out the service.

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