When playing MOBA games, surviving fights in the later stages becomes a must. No matter how much damage you deal, your chances narrow down if you do not have solid survivability. In Deadlock, you can amp that factor up with Vitality Items. These little boons provide bonuses, resistances and so much more. So when you need them, here’s a list of all the Vitality items in Deadlock to make your survival easier.
Tier 1 Items: 500 Souls

To survive the early lane farming, you must buy some important Vitality items that provide you some bonus health, regen, and lifesteal. For only 500 souls, you also get +11% Base Health.
Name Stats Passive/ Active Enduring Spirit Bonus Health:+ 75
Spirit Power:+ 4
Spirit Lifesteal:+ 8%NA Extra Health Bonus Health:+ 160
Weapon Damage:+ 7%NA Extra Regen Health Regen:+ 3
Ammo:+ 10%NA Extra Stamina Fire Rate:+ 6%
Health: +35
Stamina:+ 1
Stamina Recovery:+ 16%NA Melee Lifesteal Melee Damage:+ 12
Bonus Health:+ 75
+3% Bullet ResistYour melee attacks heal you for 20% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 90. This heal is 30% effective vs non-heroes.
7s cooldownSprint Boots Health Regen:+ 1
Weapon Damage:+ 4%
Sprint Speed:+ 2m/sNA Healing Rite Bonus Health:+ 45 Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast.
60s Cooldown
370 Total Health Regen
+2m/s Sprint Speed
20s Regen Duration
30m Cast Range
Tier 2 Items: 1250 Souls
When you reach the mid-game, grabbing some 1250 souls Vitality items can guarantee you protection against the strongest Spirit power abilities as well in Deadlock. Moreover, you gain a fixed +14% Base Health with each item purchased from this tier.
Name Component Item Stats Passive/ Active Bullet Armor NA Weapon Damage:+ 6%
Bullet Resist:+ 26%NA Bullet Lifesteal NA Bonus Health:+ 75
Bullet Lifesteal:+ 28%NA Combat Barrier NA Bullet Shield Health: + 325 When you have a Bullet Shield, gain Weapon Damage and Fire Rate.
+22% Weapon Damage While Shielded
+7% Fire Rate While ShieldedDebuff Reducer NA Bonus Health:+ 125
Weapon Damage:+ 8%Reduces the duration of all negative effects applied to you.
28% Debuff ResistEnchanter’s Barrier NA Spirit Shield Health:+ 300 While you have a Spirit Shield, gain bonus Spirit Power and Cooldown Reduction.
+20 Spirit Power While Shielded
+8% Cooldown Reduction While ShieldedEnduring Speed NA Bonus Health:+ 75
Health Regen:+ 1.5
Sprint Speed:+ 2m/s
Movement Speed:+ 1.1m/sReduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow
+30% Movement Slow ResistHealbane NA Bonus Health:+ 75 Any Spirit Damage applies Healing Reduction. If an enemy hero dies under this effect, you receive a large heal.
45% Healing Reduction (Conditional)
350 Heal on Hero Kill
7s DurationHealing Booster NA Health Regen:+ 2
Spirit Resist:+ 6%Increases the effectiveness of your Healing and increases your resistance to healing reduction.
+25% Healing Effectiveness
+15% Heal Reduction ResistanceReactive Barrier NA Bonus Health:+ 75
Health Regen:+ 2
Ammo:+ 20Automatically deploy temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields when your movement is locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept.
Restore 1 Stamina
30s cooldown
350 Bullet Shield Health (Conditional)
200 Spirit Shield Health (Conditional)
9s DurationSpirit Armor NA Spirit Power:+ 5%
Spirit Resist:+ 22%NA Spirit Lifesteal NA Bonus Health:+ 75
Spirit Lifesteal:+ 23%NA Divine Barrier NA Health:+ 50
Sprint Speed:+ 1m/s
+8% Ability RangeProvides you or an ally target with Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Movement Speed.
28s Cooldown
260 Bullet Shield
260 Spirit Shield
+2m/s Move Speed
5s Duration
35m Cast RangeHealing Nova Healing Rite Bonus Health:+ 100
Weapon Damage:+ 12%
Spirit Power: +6Heal yourself and nearby allies. Heals an additional 20% per ally.
60s Cooldown
260 Total HP Regen
2s Regen Duration
18m RadiusRestorative Locket NA +25% Melee Resistance
Spirit Resist:+ 10
Sprint: +1When an enemy uses an ability within 50m range from you, store one Restoration Stack.
Using it will consume all stacks to heal target ally. If used it replenishes a stamina point on the target. Can be self-cast.
28s Cooldown
+35 Heal per Stack
15 Max StacksReturn Fire Extra Regen Bonus Health:+ 125
Spirit Power:+ 9Automatically fire a bullet towards any attacker who damages you with their abilities or weapon.
+20% Bullet Resistance
60% Bullet Damage Returned
30% Spirit Damage Returned
6s Duration
Tier 3 Items: 3000+ Souls
Mostly upgrades for the mid-game items, these 3000+ souls items can get you further protection. With each buy, you also get +17% Base Health from these Vitality items in Deadlock.
Name Component Item Stats Passive/ Active Fortitude Extra Health Bonus Health:+ 400 After not taking damage for 10s, gain 4% Max Health Regen.
When you are above 75% health, you have bonus Weapon Damage and Movement Speed.
27% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
+2m/s Move speed (Conditional)Improved Bullet Armor Bullet Armor Weapon Damage:+ 10%
Bullet Resist:+ 50%NA Improved Spirit Armor Spirit Armor Weapon Damage:+ 10%
Spirit Resist:+ 45%NA Lifestrike Melee Lifesteal Bonus Health:+ 125
Bullet Resist:+ 10%
Melee Damage:+35%Your Melee Attack applies Movement Slow and heals you for 65% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 110. This heal is 40% effective vs non-heroes.
5s Cooldown
60% Movement Slow (Conditional)
2.5s Slow Duration.Superior Stamina Extra Stamina Fire Rate:+ 7%
Stamina:+ 3
Spirit Power:+ 12
Air Jump/Dash Distance:+30%
Fire Rate:+7%
+25% Stamina Recovery
+75 HealthAir Dashes and Air Jumps before landing from increases from 1 to 2
increases Wall Jump count by 1Veil Walker NA Ammo:+ 15
Weapon Damage:+ 15%
Bullet Shield Health:+ 250
Spirit Shield Health:+ 250Walking through a cosmic veil grants you Stealth, increased Movement Speed, restores all Bullet and Spirit Shields, and grants bonus Fire Rate for your next magazine.
Invisible Status Effect
4m/s Invis Move Speed (Conditional)
5s Invisibility Duration
18s CooldownDebuff Remover Debuff Reducer Bonus Health:+ 125
Weapon Damage:+ 20%Reduces the duration of all negative effects applied to you and heals you for 10% Max HP.
40% Debuff resist
Using it will purge all negative effects applied to you. If any effects were removed, gain a movement speed bonus. Cannot be used while Stunned or Slept.
+3m/s Movement Speed
4s Duration
45s CooldownMajestic Leap NA Bonus Health:+ 125
Spirit Power:+ 10Launch yourself high into the air. While in the air, you can use the active again to drop down faster. Cannot be used for 5s if attacked by enemy Hero.
45s CooldownMetal Skin NA Bonus Health:+ 125
Fire Rate:+ 8%
Spirit Power:+ 8Become immune to bullets and reduce your Move Speed by 1.5.
3.5s DurationRescue Beam NA Bonus Health:+ 125
Sprint Speed:+ 1
Spirit Power:+ 9
+6% Ability RangeHeals a target allied hero and yourself for a percentage of Max Health. Once while healing, you can Pull the target towards you. Can be self-cast
24% Heal Amount
2.5s Channel Duration
32m Cast Range
36s Cooldown
Tier 4 Items: 6200+ Souls
Tier 4 Vitality items in Deadlock are hard to purchase as they require a direct buy with no component option. However, apart from many other bonuses, these costly items grant you +20% Base Health.
Name | Stats | Passive/ Active |
Inhibitor | Bonus Health:+ 175 Weapon Damage:+ 25% | Your bullets apply Movement Slow and reduce the target’s outgoing damage on hit. 20% Movement Slow (Conditional) -35% Damage Penalty (Conditional) 2.5s Debuff Duration |
Leech | Bonus Health:+ 175 Weapon Damage:+ 20% Bullet Lifesteal:+ 35% 12% Cooldown Reduction Spirit Lifesteal:+ 35% | NA |
Soul Rebirth (Disabled) | Weapon Damage:+ 20% Spirit Power:+ 12 | If you die, after 4s you will respawn at your death location with partial health. 240s Cooldown +50% Rebirth Health |
Colossus | Bonus Health:+ 600 Weapon Damage:+ 20% | Gain Bullet and Spirit Resist, and slow the movement and dash speed of enemies nearby. Your model size grows by 20%. 45s Cooldown +40% Bullet Resist (Conditional) +40% Spirit Resist (Conditional) 30% Movement Slow (Conditional) 12m Radius 7s Duration |
Phantom Strike | Weapon Damage:+ 30% Spirit Resist:+ 15% | Teleport to an enemy target, applying Disarm, Slow, and dealing damage. 25s Cooldown 3s Disarm & Slow Duration 50% Movement Slow (Conditional) 150 Damage 25m Cast Range Cast range now ignores the Z height |
Siphon Bullets | +18% Bullet Resistance +15% Weapon Damage | Suppress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. 60s Cooldown 6s Duration |
Unstoppable | Bonus Health:+ 150 Spirit Power:+ 12 Bullet Resist:+ 15 | Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. 60s Cooldown 6s Duration |
And these are all the Deadlock Vitality items you should know! Which item is your favorite to tank like a goliath? Let us know in the comments below.