In Deadlock, Spirit items are important to increase ability damage. Although these items in general increase Spirit power, they also grant additional stats and different kinds of passives. With multiple spirit items divided across tiers and categories, it can be hard to know them all. Thankfully, we are here. With that, let’s break down all the spirit items in Deadlock you can find in the curiosity shop.
Tier 1 Items: 500 Souls

The tier 1 Spirit items in Deadlock grant +4 Spirit Power for each item. Here is a list of all the tier 1 Spirit Items:
Name Stats Passive/ Active Ammo Scavenger +10% magazine size
40+ Bonus HealthWhen you capture or deny a soul, you get some ammo back and gain stacking Spirit Power, 2 Sprint for 45s Extra Charge Recharge ability cooldown reduction +10%
Weapon Damage +6%Charge Ability Max Charge +1 Extra Spirit +1 health regeneration
+35 Bonus Max Health Spirit Power +10 Mystic Burst Spirit Shield +40
Weapon Damage +6%When dealing 80 or more damage in one hit, deals additional spirit damage. Cool time: 6 seconds
Additional damage: 35 (spirit)Mystic Reach Bullet Damage Resistance +7% Increases the casting distance and effect area of abilities and items.
Ability range +15%Spirit Strike Spirit Shield +80
+12% melee attack damageWhen you perform a Light or Heavy Melee attack against a hero, deal extra Spirit Damage and reduce the target’s Spirit Resist.
52 Spirit Damage
-12% Spirit Resist (Conditional)
11s Duration
8.5s CooldownInfuser 50+ Bonus Max Health +50
+10% magazine sizeGain Spirit Power and Spirit Lifesteal.
+16 Spirit Power (Conditional)
+20% Spirit Lifesteal (Conditional)
6s Duration
32s Cooldown
Tier 2 Items: 1250 Souls

Deadlock Spirit items that cost 1250 souls grant you +8 Spirit power. Additionally, some of these items also work as a component item for upgrades.
Name Component Item Stats Passive/ Active Bullet Resist Shredder NA Max HP +100
+15% Melee damage resistanceDealing spirit damage reduces the target’s bullet damage resistance.
(Conditional) Bullet damage resistance: -12%
Duration: 8 secondsDuration Extender NA +100 Bonus Max Health +100
Stamina regeneration +1.75
+8% Weapon DamageIncreases the duration of abilities and items.
+14% Ability DurationImproved Cooldown NA +1.5 Health Regen
+100 Spirit Shield
+10% AmmoReduces the Cooldown of your abilities and items.
14% Cooldown ReductionMystic Vulnerability NA +6% Spirit Damage Resistance When a target takes spirit damage, the target’s spirit damage resistance is reduced.
(Conditional) Spirit Damage Resistance: -12%
Duration: 6 secondsQuicksilver Reload NA NA Imbude an ability with bonus Spirit Damage, on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.
65 Spirit Damage
15% Fire Rate Bonus (Conditional)
12s Max FrequencySuppressor NA Additional Max Health +50
HP regeneration +2.5
Spirit Power +4Dealing Spirit damage to an enemy reduces the target’s rate of fire.
(Conditional) Reduced firing speed: 25%
Duration: 2 secondsCold Front NA +10% Spirit Damage Resistance Releases a spreading wave of ice, dealing Spirit damage and reducing movement speed.
87 Spirit Damage
40% Movement Slow (Conditional)
14m End Radius
3s Duration
28s CooldownDecay NA Spirit Power +7
+1.5 HP Regen
+8% Ability DurationReduces the healing received by the target and deals damage per second equal to a percentage of the target’s current health. The target does not die from the damage per second.
-55% Healing Reduction (Conditional)
1.4%/s Bleed damage
18m Cast Range
10s Duration
33s CooldownSlowing Hex Enduring Spirit +10% Spirit Lifesteal
+75 Bonus Health
Spirit Power +5Deals Spirit damage to the target, reduces movement speed and dash speed, and prevents the use of abilities and items with movement effects.
Does not interfere with the target’s use of stamina.
20% Movement Slow (Conditional)
40 Spirit Damage
25m Cast Range
3s Duration
26s CooldownWithering Whip NA Spirit Power +6
Bullet Shield +100
Sprint +1
50 Spirit DamageReduces the target’s rate of fire and bullet damage resistance.
4.5s Duration
45% Fire Rate Slow (Conditional)
-11% Bullet Resist (Conditional)
30m Cast Range
15s Cooldown
Tier 3 Items: 3000+ Souls

Tier 3 Spirit items are expensive but they give you a lot of advantages in a Deadlock game including +12 Spirit power. Some of these items require a component item so make sure you have that item already. You will require the component item’s soul amount while purchasing an upgrade directly.
Name Component Item Stats Passive/ Active Improved Burst Mystic Burst Spirit Shield +100
Weapon damage +8%Dealing 200 or more damage in a single hit deals additional Spirit damage.
The effect will not be applied to the same target for 5 seconds.
Additional damage: 8% of maximum health (spirit)Improved Reach Mystic Reach +13% Bullet Damage Resistance
Spirit Power +8Increases the casting distance and effect area of abilities and items.
Choose one ability when purchasing.
+35% range of selected ability
+26% range of unselected abilitiesImproved Spirit Extra Spirit HP Bonus +125
HP Regen +3
Sprint Speed +1Spirit Power +30 Mystic Slow Suppressor Additional Max HP +160
HP regeneration +3
Spirit Power +6
+1 SprintWhen a target takes spirit damage, the target’s movement speed and rate of fire are reduced.
25% Movement Slow (Conditional)
40% Fire Rate Slow (Conditional)
2s DurationRapid Recharge Extra Charge +12% Weapon Damage (T1 Extra Charge gives +6%) Charge Ability Max Charge +3 Superior Cooldown Improved Cooldown +4 health regeneration
+150 Spirit Shield
+15% AmmoCooldowns of abilities and items are reduced.
Choose one ability when purchasing.
Cooldown of selected ability +33%
Cooldown of unselected abilities +27%Superior Duration Duration Extender +175 Bonus Health
+15% Weapon Damage
+4 Health RegenDuration of abilities and items are increased.
Choose one ability when purchasing.
Duration of selected ability +32%
Duration of unselected abilities +26%Surge of Power NA Additional Max HP +75 Choose one ability when purchasing.
The selected ability permanently gains additional Spirit Power.
Gain bonus movement speed each time you cast this ability.
+34 Imbued Ability Spirit Power
10% Fire Rate Bonus (Conditional)
+2m/s Move Speed (Conditional)
6s Move Speed Duration
10.5s CooldownTorment Pulse NA Additional Max HP +160
Spirit Power +6
+15% Melee ResistancePeriodically deals Spirit damage to the two nearest enemies.
44 Pulse Damage
9m Pulse Radius
1.8s CooldownEthereal Shift NA +6 Spirit Power You become invincible for a certain period of time, but you cannot move or perform any actions.
After exiting the Void state, movement speed and spirit resist
3.5s Duration
+3 Movespeed
+40% Spirit Resist, +20 Spirit Power for 5 secondsKnockdown NA Spirit Shield +200
Spirit Power +6Target is knocked down and Stunned after a 2s delay, interrupting and temporarily preventing them from taking any action.
Stun Status Effect
0.9s Stun Duration
45m Cast Range
Cast range ignores the Z heightSilence Glyph NA Spirit Shield +150
Sprint speed +1m/sFires a projectile that damages and silences the target, reducing their resistance to spirit damage. Silence does not interrupt the target’s concentration.
Silenced Status Effect
112 Spirit Damage
25m Cast Range
3s Duration
24s CooldownSpirit Snatch Spirit Strike +15% Melee Damage +8% Spirit Resist
+125 Health +1 SprintCauses your melee attacks to steal 12% Spirit Resist and 26 Spirit Power for 16s. Cooldown 6s. Buff you receive stacks if you hit different heroes. Arcane Surge Kinetic Dash +100 Health, +1 Stamina and +15% Slow Resist After successful Dash Jump, the next ability you use will also have +20% Range, +20% Duration and +20 Spirit Power.
Tier 4 Items: 6200+ Souls

Late-game Spirit items in Deadlock can be really expensive. All the tier 4 items grant you +16 Spirit power. Although they give you a lot of bonus stats, passive, or active boosts, scout the item before you purchase it in a crucial game.
Name Component Item Stats Passive/ Active Boundless Spirit Improved Spirit Additional Max Health +300
+15 health regeneration
Weapon Damage +30%
Sprint speed +3m/sSpirit Power +65 Diviner’s Kevlar NA +7% Ability Duration
Cooldown Reduction +12%When casting your ultimate, gain Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Spirit Power for a short time.
700 Bullet Shield (Conditional)
700 Spirit Shield (Conditional)
+40 Spirit Power (Conditional)
15s Duration
56s CooldownEscalating Exposure Mystic Vulnerability +15% Spirit Damage Resistance
Additional Max HP +125
Reduces Spirit Damage Resistance by 12% when hit with Spirit DamageWhen dealing Spirit damage to a target, apply a stack that increases the Spirit damage dealt to the target.
+4% Spirit Amp per Stack
12s Duration
0.7s Max Frequency Per TargetMystic Reverb NA Spirit Damage Vampirism +14%
+14% Spirit Damage Resistance
Ability range +14%Choose an ability when purchasing. When the chosen ability hits, it slows the target, and after a certain amount of time, deals a certain amount of damage again.
45% Spirit Damage (Conditional)
40% Movement Slow (Conditional)
18.4m Radius
3s Delay Duration
6.2s CooldownCurse NA Weapon damage +20%
Spirit Power +8Inflicts a curse on the target.
The curse stops the target’s actions, silences them, disarms them, and prevents them from using items.
Silenced Status Effect
3.25s Duration
20m Cast Range
53s CooldownEcho Shard NA Movement speed +20
+16% bullet damage resistance
Spirit Power +12Resets the cooldown of your most recently used non-ultimate ability.
Cool time: 21 secondsMagic Carpet NA Spirit Power +15
Additional Max HP +150
+10% Ability RangeSummon a magic carpet to fly with you. While flying, gain Bullet and Spirit Shields.
You cannot use abilities while summoning the carpet, and if you give another command while it is flying, the carpet will disappear.
400 Bullet Shield Health
400 Spirit Shield Health
7.7s Duration
+6m/s Bonus Fly Speed
1.3s Summon Duration
17.6s Shield Duration
32s CooldownRefresher NA +16% Bullet Resist
+8% Spirit ResistResets the cooldown of all abilities and restores the maximum amount of charges to the charged ability.
Cooldown: 260 seconds
And these are all the Deadlock Spirit items you should know! Which item is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.