Honkai Star Rail 2.7 is only a couple of weeks away from release and the community is buzzing with excitement. HSR 2.7 will finally feature the two highly anticipated characters — Sunday and Fugue. Both these characters are expected to become meta defining for at least the early part of version 3.x. Sunday in particular has abilities in his kit that might make him the next Meta support. Here is my analysis of Sunday’s leaked kit and an explanation of why I think he is a must-pull Meta character for the upcoming Honkai Star Rail 3.x.
Servants, the Next Meta in Honkai Star Rail

If you keep your eyes on our website or hidden updates and leaks on HSR, you likely already know about servants. For readers that are not familiar with the term, Servants are expected to be like Summons but they will be able to take damage. Version 3.x is said to introduce the Remembrance path, which will feature characters with the new servant mechanic. These servants are slightly different from the summons we currently have in the game, like Numby for Topaz, or the Lightning Lord for Jing Yuan, as leaks mention that they can take damage.
Normally, we don’t give too much emphasis on leaked information, but HSR keeps adding hidden updates to the current characters that show how they behave with the upcoming servant mechanic. Fu Xuan for one has been updated to share a percentage of damage for the Servant as well. When such a big gameplay change is about to occur in Honkai Star Rail, it is clear that it will become the next game Meta.
The Servants will likely become important to defeat the enemies in version 3.x, pivoting the game slowly towards the new meta.
Sunday Is the First Servant Meta Support in Honkai Star Rail

Now, Sunday’s leaked kit reveals that he is the first character in Honkai Star Rail who is able to completely support the new servant meta. First, his Skill makes an ally and their Servant to take immediate action, making it a very powerful ability.
Although this Skill is strong with any DPS character, it also increases an additional amount of damage dealt by the ally if they have a servant. For context on how strong this ability sounds in the next meta, both Robin and Bronya’s action-forwarding abilities have received hidden updates to not work with servants in hidden updates.
Similarly, Sunday’s Ultimate ability also buffs the Crit Rate and Crit Damage of not only one ally,but their Servant as well. This makes it clear that Servants would also be able to deal Crit Damage, making their damage output potential quite significant.
So, if you want to stay afloat in the upcoming Honkai Star Rail 3.x servant meta, it is best to invest on Sunday in version 2.7. Also, if this post convinces you to go for Sunday in 2.7, then also pre-farm Sunday’s materials while you are at it. Tell us your thoughts on the meta shift, and also weigh in on the power-creeped characters in HSR.