- The Pokemon GO catch condition will have you capture Tentacool, Skrelp, and Mareanie.
- Under the raid condition of the Collection Challenge in Pokemon GO, you must capture Bagon, Deino, and Druddigon.
- Finally, the research condition of the Collection Challenge will have you capture a female and male Nidoran and a Trubbish.
With the advent of the Pokemon GO Ultra Space Wonders timed research event, the game has come forth with some new collection challenges. These challenges plan to test our collective catching prowess and even our knowledge of the Pokemon. So, if you plan on participating in the collection challenge in-game, it is wise to read about the tasks and what to look forward to. So, let’s jump into all collection challenges in the Pokemon GO Ultra Space Wonders event.
The new Pokemon GO event adds three new collection challenges. These start on May 23 at 10 AM and conclude on Tuesday, May 28, at 8 PM local time. As part of the collection challenge, you’ll receive a weeklong task to catch certain Pokemon across three conditions.
If you successfully catch these Pokemon, you’ll receive rewards. You’ll have nine Pokemon to catch for the challenge, divided into three sub-categories.
Pokemon GO Ultra Space Wonders: All Collection Challenges
Once you open your events tab and scroll through, you’ll see the Pokemon are greyed out. Unless you’ve previously encountered them, you won’t get to see the Pokemon required. Hence, let’s look at the challenges and their respective rewards below.
Ultra Space Wonders Collection Challenge: Catch Pokemon

Under the Pokemon GO catch conditions, you must find three different Pokemon. Some of these Pokemon are also appearing frequently while exploring. Here are the Pokemon you have to catch as part of the challenges:
- Tentacool: Appears as a wild spawn
- Skrelp: Appears as a wild spawn
- Mareanie: It currently appears as a wild spawn and even as a research.
Once you catch these Pokemon, you will complete the collection challenge in Pokemon GO and get yourself a Mareanie encounter and 1000 XP as a reward.
Ultra Space Wonders Collection Challenge: Raid Pokemon

The Pokemon GO raid collection challenge brings three Pokemon during the raid hours. Interestingly, these Pokemon will appear throughout the Ultra Space Wonders event in Pokemon GO. All you need is a raid pass and a gym where these Pokemon have appeared. Let’s take a look:
- Bagon: In a 1-star raid. You can get them by beating a Bagon.
- Deino: In a 1-star raid. Snag them by beating a Deino.
- Druddigon: In a 3-star raid. Get them by beating a Druddigon
Once you complete this challenge in Pokemon GO, you’ll get rewarded with 10,000 XP and another Mareanie encounter.
Ultra Space Wonders Collection Challenge: Research Pokemon

The Pokemon GO event research field condition tasks you to get three Pokemon. Coincidentally, you’ll get an Ultra Space Wonders Field Research, which drops these Pokemon. These Pokemon are:
- Female Nidoran: Finish the event-exclusive research task of capturing ten Pokemon and making 10 Nice Throws.
- Male Nidoran: Finish the event-exclusive research task (capture 10 Pokemon) and seasonal field research task (Make 10 Nice Throws).
- Trubbish: Finish event-exclusive research task (powering up Pokemon 10 times) and seasonal field research task (hatch an egg).
Once you catch and complete the collection challenge in Pokemon GO, you’ll get rewarded with a 5000 XP and another Mareanie encounter.
These are all the collection challenges currently available in Pokemon GO. Will you be participating in the ongoing Ultra Space Wonders event? Let us know in the comments below!
No. The collection challenge is completely free and replaces the existing one with the new one. So, you can still participate even if you don’t have the pass.