- Regieleki is available in 5-star raids from November 27 to December 3, 2024.
- Best counters are Primal Groudon and Mega Garchomp with Ground-type moves.
- Shiny Regieleki is now available for the first time during the Max Out Finale event.
Looking to add Regieleki to your Pokemon GO collection? You’re in luck because this electric powerhouse is back in 5-star raids as part of the Max Out Finale event. What makes this raid rotation extra special is that you can finally hunt for its shiny version, which is making its debut from November 27 to December 3, 2024. So if you’re in the market for a Regieleki, keep reading to learn how to catch it here!
Pokemon GO Regieleki Stats
Regieleki is a pure Electric-type Pokemon with impressive offensive capabilities but relatively low defensive stats. Here’s what you need to know about its base stats:
Stat Value Max CP (Level 50) 3,169 Attack 250 Defense 125 Stamina 190 Raid Boss CP 38,402
Regieleki Pokemon GO Weaknesses and Resistances
Understanding Regieleki’s weaknesses and resistances is crucial for building an effective raid team. The most potent Regieleki weaknesses and resistances are:
- Ground (160% damage)
Pokemon GO Regieleki Best Counters
For the most efficient raid battles, focus on using powerful Ground-type Pokemon. Here are the top counters for Regieleki in Pokemon GO:
Pokemon Fast Move Charged Move
Primal GroudonMud Shot Precipice Blades
Mega GarchompMud Shot Earth Power
MamoswineMud-Slap High Horsepower
Shadow RhyperiorMud-Slap Earthquake
Mega RayquazaDragon Tai Breaking Swipe
ExcadrillMud-Slap Scorching Sands
Landorus (Therian)Mud Shot Sandsear Storm
Mega LucarioForce Palm Aura Sphere
How to Catch Regieleki in Pokemon GO
When it comes to taking on a Regieleki raid, you’ll want to gather the right number of trainers. If your group is using the top counters we listed above and they’re all at high levels, you can defeat Regieleki with 2-3 Pokemon GO trainers. However, if you’re working with mid-level Pokemon or don’t have access to the best counters, it’s safer to gather 4-6 trainers to ensure a comfortable win.
After defeating Regieleki in a raid, you’ll have a limited number of Premier Balls to catch it. The base catch rate is 2%, but you can improve your chances with these tips:
Using Golden Razz Berries and landing Excellent Curveball throws will significantly increase your odds. When catching, look for these CP ranges:
- Regular encounters: 1,524 – 1,602 CP
- Weather boosted (Rain): 1,905 – 2,002 CP
For best results, wait for Regieleki to attack, then throw your ball just as the animation ends. This technique helps avoid having your ball batted away.
Can Regieleki Be Shiny?

Yes! Here’s the exciting part – Shiny Regieleki is finally available in Pokemon GO! Making its debut during the Max Out Finale event starting November 27, 2024, this shiny variant swaps out the usual blue rings for white ones. While it might not be the most dramatic shiny transformation out there, it’s still a cool addition to any shiny collection.
Ready to take on Regieleki? With the right team of Ground-type Pokemon and a few friends to raid with, you’ve got a solid shot at adding this legendary to your collection. And who knows? You might even get lucky and snag that newly released shiny version!