PlayStation 5 Showcase Event Announced for September 16

playstation 5 showcase september 16

Last week we got a whole lot of information about the Xbox Series X|S, including the official price and launch date (including the Indian pricing for the consoles) and a leaked commercial showing off some key Xbox Series S features. Surprisingly, Sony didn’t give out any information last week about its consoles. Still, if you’re hoping to get information about the PS5, the Japanese giant has announced a showcase event on September 16.

According to Sony, it will be sharing information about titles from Sony’s worldwide studios and partner developers. “Our next digital showcase will weigh in at around 40 minutes, and feature updates on the latest titles from Worldwide Studios and our world-class development partners.” said Sony in its blog post announcing the event.

However, it won’t be a surprise if the company also unveils key information about the PlayStation 5. That includes, hopefully, pricing and launch date for the consoles, plus maybe a proper pre-order timeline.

Of course, that’s wishful thinking at this point. However, we have seen Sony’s past event when they showcased PS5 games. That was followed by a PlayStation 5 design reveal as well. Moreover, 40 minutes seems like a bit too much for simply giving updates on titles coming for the PS 5. Hopefully Sony will include a surprise price announcement at the end of the stream.

The event is scheduled for September 16, 1pm PDT. For those of us in India, that’s 1:30am IST on September 17. You can watch the stream on Twitch or YouTube if you’re interested. Or, you could just keep an eye on our website since we will be covering it all anyway.

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