Have you ever wondered if a good-looking open-source emoji set exists? Check out OpenMoji, an emoji set with 3,180 emojis.
According to OpenMoji’s website, the project is the first open-source and independent emoji system. The project is the team-effort of over 50 students and 2 professors at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd (Design University). All the emojis are approved and are available with a Creative Commons (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International) license.
“When designing the OpenMoji system, we have developed visual guidelines that are not linked to a specific branding. In addition, our goal was to design emojis that integrate well in combination with text.”, states the creators on the website.
The project kickstarted back in April 2018 with a limited number of emojis. A recent update added all the missing emojis to make it a complete repository of emojis for open-source enthusiasts. Take a look at all the emojis available in Openmoji here.
From a visual perspective, these emojis are quite similar to the ones offered by Microsoft. However, it doesn’t look that bad in my opinion. In case you have design suggestions to improve Openmoji, feel free to submit a pull request here on their GitHub repository.
If you’re interested to use OpenMoji, you can download them in SVG, fonts, and PNG. They are being offered in color and black variants. There is an iOS app that will serve as an emoji picker and sticker picker app for iMessage as well. While we are on topic of emojis, check-out our article on all emoji meanings to never misunderstand an emoji again.
Check out Openmoji from the link below and let us know your thoughts on it in the comments.
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