Instagram’s New Non-Skippable Ads Can Be a Blessing in Disguise

Instagram non-skippable ads
In Short
  • Instagram will soon host non-skippable ads that require users to stare at an ad for 6 seconds to continue scrolling further.
  • This change will force users to spend more time looking at an ad, increasing the ad revenue generated on the platform.
  • We believe this new ad format could help users minimize their screen time, preventing them from endlessly scrolling on the app.

Instagram’s grip on users comes partly from its effortless content consumption. A quick scroll up delivers a fresh hit of dopamine, fueled by bite-sized content. But it looks like the Meta-owned platform is putting an end to endless scrolling with non-skippable ads.

Ads are the real money made for any social media platform that is free to use. Given Instagram’s layout, users can scroll up whenever they come across an ad. Even if these ads are tailored to user interests. Even I more often than not skip these ads to quickly get to the content like an addict.

How Will Non-skippable Ads Work?

These ads were first encountered by Instagram users, who reported their frustration on Reddit. As you can see in the screenshot below, Instagram will show an “Ad break” pop-up with a countdown timer. The pop-up will prevent you from scrolling down further till you watch an ad.

Image Courtesy: u/FireCubX (Reddit)

But there’s a catch. Instead of automatically showing you an ad, it asks you to scroll up and find an ad that already appeared on your feed. You have to stare at the ad, after which a 6-second countdown will commence. Once the countdown is over, you can continue scrolling further until you see the next Ad break.

This change has been addressed by Instagram spokesperson Matthew Tye who confirmed to The Verge saying ad breaks are under testing and will soon be rolled out to a wider audience.

Why is Instagram Adding Non-skippable Ads?

Now, many of you might be wondering what the point of such an addition is. The platform already shows us ads where they can. You can find them in your feed, reels, and even stories. Is that not enough? I guess not. You see, up until now, people always had the option to quickly scroll past these ads.

This new change is Instagram’s approach to increase user engagement with ads. By force-feeding ads to the users for 6 seconds straight, the company could boost its ad revenue significantly.

This Can be a Blessing in Disguise

I wouldn’t be the first person to tell you that Instagram addiction is real. I regularly see people mindlessly scrolling through their feeds to view new reels and posts on the app. The charade goes on for hours without them realizing how much time has passed. However, introducing ad breaks might encourage users to put down their phones and close the app for good.

This wouldn’t stop people from using the app altogether, we are too addicted to it at this point. Maybe we will start living with it like we do now with YouTube ads. That’s no excuse for Instagram as the ad situation at the moment is already so bad and this is going to exacerbate the issue further. There are users who are already looking for workarounds for this upcoming feature.

Honestly, my Subway Surfer + Family Guy Reels-addicted brain is not ready for it. But I am going to be optimistic and this could probably be the thing that could help me cure the addiction I have grown towards the app. What are your thoughts about non-skippable ads coming to Instagram? Let us know in the comments below.

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