With the Minecraft 1.19 Wild Update here, the discussion around the powerful Warden has only gone up. Some players are eager to defeat the Warden in Minecraft, while others just want to test their best enchantments. Whatever the case is for you, the first step of meeting it is knowing how to spawn Warden in Minecraft. We have covered everything you need to know, ranging from the Warden’s home biome to the activities that might trigger its spawn. And even if you don’t plan to fight the Warden, you can use this knowledge to prevent this mob from spawning altogether. With that said, let’s learn how to find a Warden in Minecraft with ease.
Spawn Warden in Minecraft (2022)
Finding the Warden in Minecraft involves a variety of in-game mechanics, which we have broken down into separate sections for your ease. You can use the table below to explore them step-by-step in detail.
What is a Warden in Minecraft?

Warden is a powerful hostile mob that resides below the overworld in the Deep Dark biome. It is also the first blind mob of Minecraft that relies on vibrations, smell, and audio cues to find its prey.
Once it finds you, the Warden can easily kill you in merely two hits with its hand-to-hand combat, even if you have a full netherite armor. If the Warden is unable to reach you directly, it uses a sonic shriek attack that isn’t as powerful as its direct hits but can penetrate through any block.
Where and At What Level Does the Warden Spawn?
Warden only spawns within the Deep Dark biome. It is a new biome of Minecraft 1.19 update and is located below the overworld. You can find it only below the height level below Y=-15. Moreover, the most common location where the Warden can be summoned is the Ancient City. It’s the main structure that generates in this biome and has amazing loot within it.
If you somehow are unable to find the biome even after mining and exploring, there is an unconventional way. You can enter the following Minecraft command in your chat section to locate the Deep Dark biome:
/locate biome minecraft:deep_dark
This command only works if you have cheats enabled in your world. Once activated, the “locate” command will show you the coordinates of the nearest Deep Dark biome. Then, you can teleport in Minecraft to reach there or mine your way to the location.
How to Summon the Warden in Minecraft
Unlike other hostile mobs, Warden doesn’t spawn naturally even in its home biome. The Warden only spawns if the sculk shrieker block detects your presence three times. You can get away with making accidental noise and vibrations two times. But when you do that for the third time, the Sculk Shrieker will summon the Warden.

This block also gives you the darkness effect each time you trigger it, making it even harder to navigate the already dark area. So, make sure to keep the Potion of Night Vision handy to get some of your vision back.
How Does the Sculk Shrieker Work?
The sculk shrieker follows these game mechanics to function:
- The sculk shrieker only detects players if they are within 16 blocks of its range. It has a spherical range and expands in all directions.
- When it comes to the darkness effect, it has a larger range of 40 blocks. Moreover, it affects all the players in the range, not just the one who triggered the shrieker.
- As mentioned earlier, you have to trigger the shrieker three times to make it spawn the Warden. The first two times it applies the darkness effect but only gives out a warning shriek.
- All shriekers have a collective 10-second cooldown for each player. So, if a player triggers one shrieker, they don’t have to worry about triggering another for at least 10 seconds.
- Lastly, if the player is somehow able to get out of the shrieker’s range before it finishes shrieking, it doesn’t spawn the Warden in Minecraft. Neither does it apply the darkness effect. Though, this activation still counts as one of the three trigger strikers.
How to Find the Warden in Ancient City

Once you have triggered the sculk shrieker, it takes about 5 seconds for the Warden to start spawning. It digs its way out of a nearby solid block and immediately starts searching for the player. If you accidentally touch the Warden on spawn, it will immediately target and attack you in Minecraft 1.19. So, make sure to keep your distance and run away when it spawns.
As for the finding part, the Warden will be the one looking for you. Not the other way around. Once it has spawned, you just have to wait for a few seconds before the Warden finds, attacks, and kills you. You can try to defeat the Warden with the help of our linked guide. But unless you have the best Minecraft bow enchantments, it’s a lost battle.
Ready to Find and Fight the Warden in Minecraft
With that, you know everything about spawning Warden in Minecraft. Fighting, surviving, and running away from it is another discussion. But we suggest that you make sure to go over the Minecraft enchantments guide to get the best gear possible in the game. Because once you start fighting the Warden, going back is hardly an option. Though, if you create a multiplayer Minecraft server, you can get your friends to help you out in defeating this blind hostile mob. Having said that, do you think the Warden is overpowered for a non-boss-mob? Tell us in the comments below!