- To make a potion of invisibility in Minecraft, you'll need a brewing stand, blaze powder, 1-3 potion(s) of night vision and fermented spider eye.
- Place the night vision potions in the potion slots, fermented spider eye in the ingredient slot and add blaze powder inside the brewing stand.
- The invisibility potion only decreases detection range of mobs, so they can still see you if you get too close.
There are so many potions in Minecraft, that can provide helpful buffs, cool abilities and even grant you an upper hand in combat. One such fan favorite is the Minecraft invisibility potion and the absolute power it brings. Well, lucky for you, we are covering that today. So if you’ve always wondered on how to make a potion of invisibility in Minecraft, keep reading as we show you how.
Items Required to Make Potion of Invisibility
In order to make an invisibility potion in Minecraft, you’ll need the following items:
- 1 Brewing stand
- 1 Blaze powder
- 1-3 Potion(s) of night vision
- 1 Fermented spider eye
How to Make a Potion of Invisibility in Minecraft
Now that you have the needed resources, check out the steps below to learn how to make a potion of invisibility in Minecraft:
- Place the brewing stand and open its interface by interacting with it.
- Place the blaze powder in the slot on the far left if it’s empty.
- Add one, two or three potions of night vision in the potion slots in the center. It’s better to use all three potions, so you maximize the fermented spider eye potential.
- Place the fermented spider eye in the ingredient slot above the potions. You’ll see the arrow start filling up, indicating the process is underway.
- Once the arrow is filled completely, the night vision potions will turn into invisibility potions.
- If the night vision potions lasted for three minutes, the invisibility potions will also last for three minutes. But, if they lasted for eight minutes, the newly-made invisibility potions will also last for eight minutes.
However, you can still add redstone dust to extend the duration of three minute potions to eight minutes. Moreover, gunpowder will turn them into splash potions of invisibility, allowing you to inflict other Minecraft mobs and players. It’s not possible to increase the intensity of invisibility potions with glowstone dust.
How Does Invisibility Potion Work?
Invisibility potion works just as you expect it to, it makes the affected mob or player completely invisible. However, the particles, worn gear and held items will always be visible. In addition, the potion of invisibility doesn’t necessarily allow you to dance around hostile mobs without them noticing.
This potion mostly decreases the detection range of mobs, so they can actually still see and attack you if you get too close. The number of armor pieces equipped additionally increase the detection range. So, if you have no armor on, you’ll be detected at only 7% of the normal distance. But with full armor, this value jumps up to 70%. That’s why if you want to sneak around the mobs with invisibility effect, it’s best to have no armor on.

This will ensure you’re less likely to be noticed, so you can work in peace. Though, if you get really close to a mob, they’ll see you instantly. If the mob knows you’re there, they’ll act as if you’re completely visible. This is also the case if you attack them. Furthermore, sneaking makes it even harder to spot you and this pairs perfectly with the invisibility effect.
That said you now know know how to make a potion of invisibility in Minecraft. This is especially a fantastic tool if you need to be near mobs to do some sort of building or make a redstone farm. It will let you achieve your goals with no interruptions.
So, what do you need Minecraft invisibility potions for? Tell us in the comments below!
You cannot make invisibility potion 2, as you cannot add glowstone dust to the invisibility potion.
Yes, piglins and other mobs can still see you with invisibility, but that’s only the case if you get really close to them. Don’t wear any armor if you want to be less easily spotted.
How to make invisibility potion of 8 minutes?
Add redstone dust to the ingredient slot in the brewing stand with the invisibility potions of 3 minutes below in the potion slots. Once the arrow is filled, they will be extended to 8 minutes.