- Immortal became the King of Earth in Invincible because Mark left stating he did not care for Earth anymore.
- In the comics, Mark traveling to the future and killing Immortal was orchestrated by The Robot who was the one to drive Immortal insane so he could take over Earth.
- Robot does not reveal his presence when Mark arrives from the future so he makes the same decision of leaving his consciousness with Immortal to assist him and Robot could do it all over again.
Invincible Season 3 is back with a new episode and this time around, Mark takes a trip to the future it was certainly not pretty. We saw that a tyrant king had taken over Earth and had enslaved humanity enforcing cruel laws that had made the planet miserable. However, as it turns out, in the Invincible Season 3 Episode 4, this King was none other than the Immortal himself. So, now the question is, how did Immortal become the tyrant King in the future? We will have to take a look at Invincible Comics for that so allow me to bring you answers to all your questions.
Spoiler Warning: This post contains heavy spoilers from Invincible Comics potentially revealing the plot for the ongoing and upcoming seasons of Invincible TV show.
How Did Immortal Become King of Earth in Invincible?

The event where Immortal becomes this King in the comics happens hundreds of years after Invincible War, the event that is being set up in Season 3. Mark left Immortal to be the King of Earth saying that he no longer cared for Earth. He also leaves Robot’s (Rudy) consciousness with Immortal to help him rule the earth. However, Immortal did not trust Robot and was against his ideals. On the other hand, Robot always felt that he would do a better job and wanted his physical form back to do so.
So, Robot sets a plan in motion to drive Immortal mad, hoping that someone will bring Invincible from the past to kill Immortal. Robot takes over the earth once Invincible kills Immortal in this particular comic run.
As we see in episode 4, after killing Immortal in the future, Mark returns to the present where he was on a date with Atom Eve. He believes Immortal went mad because the future Invincible left him alone to rule the earth.
In the future, when Mark leaves the earth, he leaves behind Robot’s consciousness to assist Immortal and make sure that he does not lose his mind. What Invincible did not know was that it was all Robot’s plan and his consciousness was present even when he had to kill the Immortal when he traveled to the future. Robot was the one who drove Immortal insane and turned him into the tyrant King we saw in Invincible Season 3 Episode 4.
Now, one might wonder, where was Nolan, or Omni-Man when all of this was going down? In the Invincible comics, during the final battle between Mark, Omni-Man, his allies, and Thragg’s army, Omni-Man was killed by Thragg so he was not around to stop what we see in episode 4.
I’m pretty sure that Invincible Season 3 might not bring the storyline where Mark leaves the Earth with Immortal in charge as it happens hundreds of years after the current events. In the future when the Invincible TV show decides to adopt this particular storyline, we might see a flashback from the events we sew in today’s episode.
So, let’s wait and see what happens, and till then, stay tuned with us for more updates!